Archive for October, 2015

Oct 06 2015

DAY 22 – 30 Days To The New Economy

Your Role in History as an Entrepreneur




Adapted from the book 30 DAYS TO THE NEW ECONOMY by Peggy Salvatore


The rapid acquisition and deployment of knowledge means that all organizations that plan to survive also have a process for knowledge acquisition, retention, management, and transfer in their business plan. Forward thinking organizations today consider themselves learning organizations.Meeting Table

As an entrepreneur in the New Economy, even though you may be small, your responsibility is to not only know what is going on but to contribute to the body of knowledge.

  • Remember: All the Internet Joe’s around the globe are learning and building this ship together so sharing what you’ve learned and what you are developing (without, of course, revealing trade secrets like product ingredients and proportions or your intended branding or marketing approach) is part of that responsibility and defines in part your value as a member of the global business community.

There are TWO PARTS to this knowledge acquisition and sharing. One is the internal knowledge of your individual product or service and the second part is the external learning about the infrastructure you are building either deliberately or inadvertently by participating in the New Economy.

PART ONE: Internal knowledge

Whether you are operating alone, with a handful of close team members or a cast of 100s, you need to store and transfer knowledge about product development, marketing, deployment and all other aspects of your business to assure continuity.

When you’ve built a global community of customers, they will have questions and need support. Codify, iterate, revise, update, repeat. Consider yourself in a constant state of beta.

  • Remember: We said that one of the advantages Internet Joe has is the ability to be agile and nimble. This requires a state of continuous learning which is a mindset of quality improvement. Because you aren’t taking a large organization with you, when you learn something new, as an Internet entrepreneur you are able to capitalize on that information and pivot instantaneously.

Learning Org Chart

PART TWO: External knowledge

The intimate relationship you develop with your customers through their personal communication devices is the basis of your ongoing learning. You are learning what works, what they like about your product and service, what needs improvement and when you haven’t hit the mark.

Your systems and connections are creating the need for the kind and amount of infrastructure required to build the New Economy. When you share what you need and what you’ve learned about commerce with others in the online business community, the network grows.

What we know changes every minute!

. . . and what you do with it will be different

than what someone else does with it . . . So consider

recording it . . . sharing it.  That process puts the next

step on the ladder within reach for all by raising

the net worth (and the stakes) for all players.

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C’mon back TOMORROW 10/7 for Day 22 —

“Financing Your Business” isn’t like car dealership

or retail mattress and furniture “Financing”!

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Sign up NOW for NOVEMBER 29th (Sunday Night after Thanksgiving)




Get fresh, informed, proven insights geared specifically to your business market, your biggest problems, your biggest opportunities.

With Hal and Peggy’s wealth of business coaching experience, you’ll learn how YOU match up with what successful entrepreneurs are thinking and doing RIGHT NOW. Get ideas you never imagined. Gain the traction you need within 2 hours — not days or weeks or months. Simply call 931.854.0474 Central Time: 11AM to 4PM Monday-Friday for details, to explain your business pursuit focus and to reserve your seat! $99 total for 2 hours. Satisfaction Guaranteed.


For more information on Peggy Salvatore’s book: 30 Days to the New Economy [© Peggy Salvatore 2015. All Rights Reserved.] click on ENTREPRENEUR NEWS or visit for the E-book

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Hal@Businessworks.US      Peggy@Businessworks.US

Open Minds Open Doors

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Oct 05 2015

DAY 21 – 30 Days To The New Economy

Your Role In History As An Entrepreneur




I N V E N T O R Y  &  D E L I V E R Y

Adapted from the book 30 DAYS TO THE NEW ECONOMY written and published by Peggy Salvatore

Delivery VanIn tandem with global manufacturing, let’s take a closer look at how to store and move physical products in the New Economy.


If you live where grasses are plentiful, you live in a grass hut. People have always adapted to local resources. In the New Economy, efficient and successful communities will rely on this same strategy but with a difference.


As was pointed out yesterday (while we imagined manufacturing), many products will be able to be assembled closer to their markets because 3D printing of finished products and parts will make that possible. Also, robotic manufacturing makes it possible to locate production facilities in places without consideration of the availability of many prepared workers. Obviously, local manufacturing reduces the need to move finished products closer to the customers.

Local sourcing raw materials

Our knowledge grows about our environment every day, and we find more uses for things around us.

Materials, for example, can be manufactured using chemical and biological processes. During the period of 20th Century industrialization, synthetic materials were developed and –suddenly– clothing manufacturers didn’t necessarily need wool or cotton to make clothing, though “real” materials were usually considered luxurious. The same is happening in the 21st Century with biological substances such as food and medicines (moving from chemically-based to biologically-based).

Knowledge in the new frontier will find ways to transform available local resources into necessary materials which should reduce the demand to transport and store raw materials.

The more we learn about chemistry and biology, the more possibilities we have to use the basic structures that compose


a pineapple, for example, into materials to manufacture other products needed locally.

About energy and transportation

When requirements to transport people and materials are reduced, this necessarily results in less requisite shipping vessels and fuel. In this scenario, energy needs to be produced and consumed locally to support local raw material development and product manufacture. This lends itself to less portable and more available sources of fuel – sources like solar and wind.

renewable energy

Internet Joe is thinking about the future, and the future doesn’t resemble the present. That translates to mean there are a lot of limiting factors in the present, such as finite (non-renewable, transportable) fuel, that are NOT part of fueling the New Economy. What limiting factors will impact, or are impacting, your business pursuits?

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What are you making the most of to move your business forward?
C’mon back TOMORROW for Day 22 —

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Sign up NOW for NOVEMBER 29th (Sunday Night after Thanksgiving)




Get fresh, informed, proven insights geared specifically to your business market, your biggest problems, your biggest opportunities.

With Hal and Peggy’s wealth of business coaching experience, you’ll learn how YOU match up with what successful entrepreneurs are thinking and doing RIGHT NOW. Get ideas you never imagined. Gain the traction you need within 2 hours — not days or weeks or months. Simply call 931.854.0474 Central Time: 11AM to 4PM Monday-Friday for details, to explain your business pursuit focus and to reserve your seat! $99 total for 2 hours. Satisfaction Guaranteed.


For more information on Peggy Salvatore’s book: 30 Days to the New Economy [© Peggy Salvatore 2015. All Rights Reserved.] click on ENTREPRENEUR NEWS or visit for the E-book

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Hal@Businessworks.US      Peggy@Businessworks.US

Open Minds Open Doors

Thanks for your visit and make today a GREAT day for someone!


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Oct 04 2015

DAY 20 – 30 Days To The New Economy

Your Role In History As An Entrepreneur


Adapted from the book 30 DAYS TO THE NEW ECONOMY written and published by Peggy Salvatore

Jigsaw Puzzle

The flexibility of the global markets – everywhere, everyone, all the time – means products and services can be delivered from your place of business on the Internet to the customer’s location in the same way.


VIRTUAL products (e.g., software, books, music):

already a natural medium.

PHYSICAL products: now becoming a natural medium.

3D printing allows many kinds of products and parts to be assembled on site by downloading software to build products by the customer. Customers only need the material to create the products on location.

3D Shark

One of the issues with matching mass production to local markets has been transportation and warehousing of raw materials and finished products. 3D production eliminates, or will soon eliminate, one or more of these transfers for a wide range of product-based businesses.

Efficient production puts factories near the source of raw materials which could be halfway around the globe from your market. With global markets, raw material processing happens near the source of materials which are then delivered to where products are produced at the customer site.

Throughout history, efficiencies have grown markets.

This development is no different.


While assembling products onsite requires only the transfer of raw materials to the customer location, the expansion of markets grows the number of end users.

Economic development happens more rapidly in areas that now need mainly an Internet connection and a reliable source of power to become a viable market for your products – both virtual and physical.

The limiting factors remain the availability of power and water. The new entrepreneurs believe those problems can be solved, and they are actively seeking answers.

Power Symbol

As noted earlier in this series, we are very early in the New Economy and are still building the infrastructure so much of the opportunity is building the virtual roads and rails into the future.

Even in situations where finished products are mass produced and need to be transported, robotics simplifies production. Robotics reduces the number of humans needed to assemble products and, consequently, also the number who need to be trained as assemblers, as programmers, and as equipment calibration specialists.

Local education and workforce availability is

not a major factor in locating a factory today.


Since line-driven powered machinery was invented, workers have revolted against automation fearing for their jobs. However, in each instance, the quality of peoples’ lives have improved, as well as the quality of products produced, and people’s time is collectively –presumably, for those outplaced– freed for higher level pursuits.


The promise of manufacturing in the New Economy turns on how you view progress. You’re likely to have one of two views of the world:

  • View 1: You believe advances solve problems, make solutions available to more people, and raise all of humanity in waves.
  • View 2: You believe knowledge is finite, all that can be known is already known, and we can’t solve our problems because our known resources do not meet everyone’s needs.

Entrepreneurs (Especially INTERNET entrepreneurs)

in the New Economy hold fast to View 1.

They believe that what lies beyond the known frontier

is the place where advances for humanity lie.

Internet Joe senses what is there and moves toward it

because he knows problems=opportunities,

and he knows it’s his choice.

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Where does the past still control the present in your business pursuits?

C’mon back TOMORROW 10/6 for Day 21 —

 Imagine INVENTORY and DELIVERY. . .

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Sign up NOW for NOVEMBER 29th (Sunday Night after Thanksgiving)




Get fresh, informed, proven insights geared specifically to your business market, your biggest problems, your biggest opportunities.

With Hal and Peggy’s wealth of business coaching experience, you’ll learn how YOU match up with what successful entrepreneurs are thinking and doing RIGHT NOW. Get ideas you never imagined. Gain the traction you need within 2 hours — not days or weeks or months. Simply call 931.854.0474 Central Time: 11AM to 4PM Monday-Friday for details, to explain your business pursuit focus and to reserve your seat! $99 total for 2 hours. Satisfaction Guaranteed.


For more information on Peggy Salvatore’s book: 30 Days to the New Economy [© Peggy Salvatore 2015. All Rights Reserved.] click on ENTREPRENEUR NEWS or visit for the E-book

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Hal@Businessworks.US      Peggy@Businessworks.US

Open Minds Open Doors

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Oct 01 2015

DAY 19 – 30 Days To The New Economy

Your Role In History As An Entrepreneur

I M A G I N E     S A L E S $ $


Adapted from the book 30 DAYS TO THE NEW ECONOMY written and published by Peggy Salvatore


Organizations frequently couple sales with marketing, and we’ll do that here, too. When you’ve defined your markets, you have the basis of a sales program. When your market is global, your sales program can actually be UNcoupled to some extent.


As noted yesterday in “Imagine Marketing,” your customers are connected to you by a personal communication device that delivers content which is highly individualized. Your sales strategy needs to be the same.

For example, if you are selling a weight loss system, you aren’t reaching a single imagined customer concerned about his or her weight with standardized sales material content. You reach an individual with personalized content. You can deliver emails customized with the name of prospects by leveraging the power of email lists.

EMAIL (We’ll explore the mechanics of this in the next book.)

You can also individualize your approach using your website with a “click here for patients”, “click here for physicians”, “click here for caregivers” approach to sales. As your potential customers “click here”, they can further individualize their search for your products and services by drilling down into your website.

It is possible to individualize your approach to customers for a very low cost per touch using email and websites.

As discussed in earlier posts in this 30-Day series, this is where Internet Joe holds an advantage over large corporations as an entrepreneur. By leveraging social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram, your product automatically has viral potential. Internet Joe makes personal connections with people around the globe and they are all potential customers.

With a few power users among your followers,

you can get exposure to 250,000 people . . .

which very quickly expands to millions.


 On a planet with already 3 billion Internet-connected individuals, you have tapped into only a small fraction of potential customers and already have exceeded a 20th Century salesperson’s wildest fantasies.

Bricks and mortar . . . Uber-ized* and Bnb’d**

Even if your business is based on live customer interactions, such as with a restaurant or hair salon, your bricks and mortar enterprise needs an Internet presence to exist. If someone visits your town and looks for pizza, they will search for restaurants online and your business needs to be there. As a plumber, you may not think you are an Internet Joe, but online presence still makes the difference between survival and massive opportunity.


  • *Think of the online/chargecard-based Uber* (private driver car service) business model . . . for drivers plugged into the system, Uber provides income previously only possible with the reach of the old “looking for a ride to California” bulletin board postings.
  • **Consider the online/chargecard-based Air Bnb** (temporary home rentals) business model . . . for homeowners plugged into the system, Air Bnb provides income previously only possible for local realtors.

Sellers can be anybody with an Internet connection, but Internet Joe is a true entrepreneurial businessman leveraging the power of the Internet to grow sales opportunities with the immense power of global markets.


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C’mon back MONDAY 10/5 for Day 20 —


Do you believe humanity’s advances solve humanity’s problems . . . OR

that problems are not solvable because all that can be

known doesn’t meet everyone’s needs?

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S P E C I A L    A N N O U N C E M E N T

Sign up NOW for NOVEMBER 29th (Sunday Night after Thanksgiving)


“ENTREPRENEURS ARE AGENTS OF CHANGE . . . Accelerating Your Business”

Get fresh, informed, proven insights geared specifically to your business market, your biggest problems, your biggest opportunities.

With Hal and Peggy’s wealth of business coaching experience, you’ll learn how YOU match up with what successful entrepreneurs are thinking and doing RIGHT NOW. Get ideas you never imagined. Gain the traction you need within 2 hours — not days or weeks or months. Simply call 931.854.0474 Central Time: 11AM to 4PM Monday-Friday for details, to explain your business pursuit focus and to reserve your seat! $99 total for 2 hours. Satisfaction Guaranteed.


For more information on Peggy Salvatore’s book: 30 Days to the New Economy [© Peggy Salvatore 2015. All Rights Reserved.] click on ENTREPRENEUR NEWS or visit for the E-book

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Hal@Businessworks.US      Peggy@Businessworks.US

Open Minds Open Doors

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