Since 1981, BusinessWorks.US
has been coaching businesses
of every size and description
to success . . . and beyond.
We are NOT a collection of big-talk, big-price consultants who tell you what you already know.
We are invested in helping Clients to “Grow Now.” We help you ignite and pursue the best of your dreams, and interests. We open doors.
You get a proven track-record Business Growth Coach who invests hands-on experience, creative support, energy (and even part of the project fee) into the success of your business.
From services to products, manufacturing to online, retail to professional practices, our Clients get decades of successful business-building experience and creative business development expertise.
Our credits include regional and national awards, and extensive experience with: the SBA, chambers of commerce, universities and community colleges, private healthcare practices, and public service providers, national healthcare teams and committees . . . and with opening new market opportunities . . . for hundreds of successful Clients.
We have achieved record sales results for every size and type of business and industry — from entrepreneurial “Startups” and “Family Businesses” to “Fortune 500” companies, to public service and nonprofit enterprises.
Clients get sales and impression results from our unique creative content, strategies and applications for branding, marketing, advertising, PR, CRM, sales and management skill applications to virtually every form of broadcast/ online/video/print and promotional media.
When appropriate, we also deliver custom-designed, Client-Staff and Management Team training strategies and support programs
We energize and ignite client businesses and projects. We generate new revenue streams.
At our clients’ beck and call, we work remotely/virtually and on-site as required.
If you would like to know more . . . no fees, no “pushy hard sell,” no strings attached . . . give me a call:
(M-S; 9AM-6PM; CST)

INSTEAD OF LOSING SLEEP, torturing your friends and family, and spending money you don’t have… Instead of spending every waking minute trying to cope with one crisis after another …Instead of having no genuine, reliable plan to replace your investments or feeling like you’ll have to close your business, or (like many healthcare professionals) feeling pressured to merge with more securely-financed competitors — Don’t Jump!

EVEN IF YOU ARE FEELING DESPERATE, there’s much more that’s possible if you’ll just step back and clear all your “yes/but” thinking. Close your eyes for just one minute while you take some deep breaths and imagine a 2-year-old giggling toddler running into your arms . . . a child who thinks you are the greatest thing since milk, sunshine, mirrors and puppy licks. Go ahead. Do it! Close your eyes. Take deep breaths. It only takes ONE MINUTE for you to rattle your own cage, regain control.

NOW BEGIN SOME NEW THINKING with pen and paper (keyboards fail physiologically to prompt the same level of commitment) by drawing an upsidedown triangle. Draw two horizontal lines dividing the upsidedown triangle into thirds. Top third, label “OBJECTIVES.” Middle third, label “STRATEGIES.” Bottom third, label “TACTICS.” [Keep taking those deep breaths!]

The OBJECTIVES are the two or three realistic goals you would like to reach that you think possible if you can get your act together. The STRATEGIES are the avenues you take to reach your objectives [and deal with roadblocks that may suddenly pop up!]. The TACTICS are the methods/steps you need to take to activate the STRATEGIES to reach your goals [the OBJECTIVES].
IF YOU CAN DO THIS MUCH, YOU ARE WELL ON YOUR WAY out from under the suffering, the COVID-19 pandemic, the UNpeaceful demonstrations and rioting, the merciless political rampage that is more preoccupied with stirring up new problems than in solving existing ones . . . and, most importantly,YOU ARE WELL ON YOUR WAY TO:
. . . Revitalizing your own energy
. . . Refreshing your thinking
. . . And taking firm action with steps forward on your own behalf and on behalf of your friends/ family/employees/customers/and community.
Once you have a better grasp of where you want your business to go, and what you need to do to get there, just make it happen! Yes, you CAN do it!!

If this last step is difficult to digest, call me (Hal)
at my desk (CT/M-Sat): 1.931.854.0474 and I’ll use
my experience (with helping to straighten out over
600 businesses and professional practices) to see
if I can suggest some next-step thinking for your
pursuits. If I’m not answering, leave callback
number, time zone, and best times to reach you.
N O W !
[And… keep your money, name, age,
interests, address, email, SS, phone
number, and dog’s name to yourself!]
Here’s a FREE no-strings weekly dose of success. Hear host Hal Alpiar’s proven business and practice development input based on 49+ years (and still ongoing) hands-on experience as a founder/partner/owner/manager/coach/ consultant, national book award author and management trainer of more than 50,000.
Hal’s FREE 23-minute podcasts are available 24/7 (via mobile phone). You can “listen in” on any 23-minute show (night-or-day) you choose (before, during, or after work… even while driving), and repeat portions (or entire broadcasts) at your leisure.
These podcasts are 100% about sharing problem/ success experience to help small businesses and professional practices grow NOW! No time limits. No need to identify yourself. Hal doesn’t chase you down.

You simply listen to any broadcast anytime that’s convenient. If you seek follow-up input to match your specific needs, simply email Hal@Businessworks.US (put “941” in subject line) or call 1.931.854.0474 (NO sales calls accepted) and set up a personal no-charge talk time.
Examples of what others have learned the hard way so you can avoid wasting time, money and effort.
Stimulating, practical “how-to” ideas, input, advice, cautions, and encouragement, with a special emphasis on Partnerships and Family Business Development and ways to raise and nurture Family Support.
The latest and best approaches to Branding, Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations, Sales, Hiring, Firing, Risk-Taking, Management Methods and Employee Training.
New perspectives on small business Time and Money investments, Building New Revenue Streams, Startups, Revitalizations, Goal-Setting, your Mission and Vision.
Ways to improve Staff and Customer Relations, Communications Skills, Stress and Time Management, Leadership/Teamwork Development Skills, and More.
Diverse approaches to success from Hal Alpiar and his guests, who share their firsthand failure and success experiences with practically every type of business and professional practice imaginable.
The Guests are people who have single-handedly or teamed up to grow Family Businesses, Medical Practices, Retail, Service and manufacturing entities, Nonprofit and Creative Projects.
Learn why on-the-job training often beats classroom theories (and this coming from your host who was twice honored as “Professor-of-the-Year” once at a major university and once at a small community college!)
(Scroll down 14 topic boxes to “BUSINESSWORKS”
Click on any Subject! (Many more behind the most
recent; scroll down thin gray righthand border)
HOW you say what you say
is at least as important
as WHAT you say!

What? Read that again! But before you click off, do your SELF a favor: Record your voice and listen hard to your volume, tone of voice, inflections, and emphasis . . . or find someone to listen and repeat what you just meant!
It’s not just WHAT you say, it’s HOW you say it . . . HOW you come across? Odds are someone else’s take (or even your own in listening to a recording) will be different than what you thought you were communicating.
Actors know this; it’s why they re-read scripts aloud many times–until it FEELS right and until others GET what they are trying to communicate.

Because HOW something is said is what gets processed and communicated far beyond the meaning of the actual words. Not sure? Try yelling “I love you!” in an angry tone of voice, or whispering “HELP! I’m drowning” as you fall off a cruise ship. Okay, a bit extreme perhaps, but you get the idea.
The conteXt (or HOW you present the conteNt) of your idea or message is what matters most. Is a “mixed message” any different from wearing a suit and tie to a kid’s backyard birthday party or a greasy hoodie and overalls to a formal wedding?
Are you representing your business interests, products and services in proper conteXt with your:
customer base and target market?
branding line and platform?
vision and mission statements?
marketing and PR and promotion goals and budgets?
employees and suppliers?
business community and community-at-large?
website and social media platform?

If you can answer “YES!” to all the above, congratulations! If you have doubts, you may need a quick-fix or some ongoing experienced input from a team of conteXt experts who can help ensure that all your messages are in the most productive light to produce the most sales and grow your customer base quicker.
From running focus groups to training your staff . . . to creating branding and marketing programs that work . . . to implementing your website and social media development . . . to creating customized training and promotional videos (even customized music!) . . . all with many hundreds of miles of success experience: visit
(with no “cookies” or tracking of your site visit, and no annoying followup calls or emails!)
Then call Hal @ 1.931.854.0474
for a no-fee, get-acquainted consult.
Save Time AND Money
While Achieving Your Goals!!

It’s 2020! Are you at your “wit’s end” trying to figure out how you’ll ever increase business sales or healthcare patient volume?
Do you wish what you already have in place would enhance your community stature or afford you more time off or build a stronger support team or have a website and social media plan that really works?
Are you exhausted trying to develop a top-notch, cutting-edge branding program that boosts your interests over competitors . . . without having to spend enormous amounts of time and money in the effort?
If any of these questions provoke a “YES!” answer from you, visit our new expanded “sister” site right this minute by clicking HERE
With All Best Wishes for a Very Merry Christmas
and a Happy Healthy New Year! – Hal

“Keep Your Head
In The Game!”
How often have managers, coaches, trainers, captains, team physicians and frustrated fans yelled this to players on/in fields, tracks, trails, rinks, arenas, courts, courses, rings, pools, gyms, diving boards, ranges, lakes. oceans, mountains, lanes…?
What’s the hidden message? Pay as much attention as you can, every split second, to where you are and what you’re doing! In a word: FOCUS!
Easy to say? Sure. But here’s how to do it!
So if you’re on the receiving end of this 6-word “Keep Your Head In The Game!” shout, you take deep breaths to help yourself stay alert and tuned in to what’s going on around you—every blink of the eye. Why? Because the minute you let your mind drift (Yes, it’s a choice!), you lose… the circumstances or a competitor will gobble you up and spit you out!
Well then, how do you keep your business growing and going forward? How do you keep those who work with and for you tuned in? (financial rewards only work up to a point then take a back seat to challenge and inspiration!) So how do you keep those who work with you tuned in and feeling valued?
LEARN as much as you possibly can about your SELF (and what makes you tick!)
START by taking 3-4 deep breaths (to help you keep your mind and ears open and your mouth closed. [See the proven 4-Step Approach by clicking the “Stress Management” tab at www.WhiteBearMedAssociates.com] Then ask friends and family what they observe as your greatest strengths and weaknesses. Don’t debate responses; instead, just smile and say “Thank You!”
WRITE it down (Yes, on paper and yes, with a pen: that brings a much bigger personal and physiological commitment than a keyboard!)
Don’t even think about what’s said until later when you can be alone and give your notes your undivided attention. Your awareness alone of what others think can help you over the tough spots, and serve to challenge your forward motion.
It’s a whole lot easier to keep your head in the game every day when you pay closer and more frequent attention to your breathing, to your (perceived-by-those-around-you) strengths and weaknesses, and to a constantly-changing index card with key notes (the basis for your everchanging business and life goals) that you keep in your pocket, purse, or wallet for reference as you wash your hands or park your car… or take a lunch or watercooler break.
Sports Lesson #2: “Go For It!”
—–INC’s ©®™ LLC’s ©®™ Startups —–
This post and others on this site by Hal Alpiar are representative of his 40+ years of business development coaching services and approach to working with entrepreneurial-minded business and healthcare practice owners and managers.
In addition to record client sales and Hal’s national awards in writing, branding and marketing, his firm, TheWriterWorks.com, LLC. has also recently joined with www.FastrakSolutions.com to provide full-service computer/SEO and Reputation Management.
For a free (no follow-up unless requested) assess-ment of how this team can help boost your sales/ branding/marketing/ social media, podcast, drip marketing and uniform messaging platform services . . .
CALL HAL TODAY: 1.931.854.0474 (CST)

Unless you’re caught up with ushering in holiday retail and online madness shopping clamor, you are likely entering “The Great American Slowdown” holiday season, and taking that much-awaited business relief break for yourself.
This is not to suggest you divert from the certainty of increased family interactions.
It IS, however, to point out that as a suddenly relaxing American business or professional practice boss (Owner, Partner, Operator, Manager, Entrepreneur, CEO, CFO, CTO, or one of those other corporate muckity-muck titles), you may well be missing your single greatest business growth opportunity of the year ahead.
Speaking of “ahead,” putting your hands behind your head (and feet onto your desk) for longer than some deep stress-relief breaths — instead of simply shifting productivity gears (like your savvy competitors will surely be doing) can be just enough to send your happy business existence down the tubes.
By not making the most of business downtime to give yourself and your business interests a thorough checkup, and revitalize your business growth plans for 2019, you may well be short-circuiting what little entrepreneurial think time you will have once January hangovers and New Years Resolutions begin to fade.

Putting a stethoscope to your business structure, employees, customer base, ambitions, growth directions… and whatever “map” you may have in your head for how to get where you’re going needs to be your first step.
Remind yourself that once 2019 gets on a roll (usually around mid-January) it may be too late to take the time out to reassess, reevaluate, and adjust goals and directions.
NOW is the ideal time (or after Christmas, if you’re in retail) to take a step back from where you’ve had your head buried all year to inventory what worked and what didn’t, what needs to be adjusted, what needs to be dumped… and PUT IT IN WRITING!
What? Who needs that? I put stuff on my PC, notebook, laptop, smart phone… writing?! Humbug!

When you put important ideas, ambitions, guidelines, goals onto paper with (OMG) a pen(!), there is a major physiological difference. Ideas from your brain that go through your neck to your shoulder, arm, wrist, hand, fingers, and into a pen, then ink, and transfer to a piece of paper, you create a more personally binding commitment than with keying in any kind of electronic transfer.
Humans do not commit actions to words on a screen, but we do follow-through with a greater sense of determination, open-mindedness and commitment when we put our words to paper.
This doesn’t mean everything has to be rigid or etched-in-stone. Effective planning and goals still need to be specific, realistic, flexible, due-dated, and in writing to be effective!
So, when things change–as they always do–in ways that impact what we are aiming for, we simply re-write our plans on another piece of paper and tear up the old one . . . and, like the battery-run rabbit, “keep on going.”
New book: Healthcarepreneurs — free 24/7 access to weekly
22-minute “BUSINESSWORKS” Radio Show/Podcast
Creating Record Client Impact Since 1981
Get your FREE no-strings-attached
weekly dose of success-anchored guidance
based on 100+ years’ experience

NO TRICKS. NO GIMMICKS. NO RECORDS KEPT OF YOUR VISITS. This is not some online “upgrade” deal. Get your free 22-minute podcast 24/7 via computer or mobile phone. Pick any night-or-day time slot that fits your schedule (Listen before, during/after work–even driving). Nothing to subscribe to. Replay it whenever you want.
EACH 22-MINUTE PODCAST gives you tools and ideas for achieving fast-track success with your small-to-medium-sized business or healthcare practice… and grow it quicker than you can do by yourself. No time limits! We don’t chase after you. We don’t even know who or where you are. Start with a “Sampler Visit”—> CLICK HERE (then scroll down to “BUSINESSWORKS” and pick any topic!)
SIMPLY LISTEN WHENEVER YOU CAN to get the best of two diverse approaches to solving your own business and practice growth problems. We share what we’ve learned to help you avoid wasting time, money, and energy.
Branding. Marketing. Advertising. Sales. Community and Public Relations. Customer Service and CRM. Recruiting, Hiring and Firing. Management Coaching. Staff Training. Investments. Money/Resource Management. Outsourcing. Dealing with Partners/ Investors. New Revenue Streams. Startups/Revitalizations. Stress and Time Management. Communication Skills. Strategic Planning. Dealing With Government Agencies. Much More.

CO-HOSTS HAL ALPIAR AND JOHNNY STITES (and their periodic guests) help you sort through issues, stimulate your creativity, and learn to trust your own business sense and judgments.
YOU GET HANDS-ON-EXPERIENCED INPUT from professional coaches who help grow all kinds of specialized and competitive enterprises… from construction and skilled labor to retail, manufacturing, and service entities… from healthcare practices and facilities of every specialty and description… medical centers, hospital departments/ institutes, immediate and long-term care facilities.
NOT ONLY DO BOTH HAL & JOHNNY PROVIDE a combined 100+ years of success track-record. They also offer proven expertise in managing the uniqueness’s of family businesses and in positioning nonprofit and creative project businesses and organizations for long-term growth.
CALL HAL AT 1.931.854.0474
OR JOHNNY AT 1.931.261.7003

You thinkin’ it takes money to make money, honey,
but you ain’t got none… and that ain’t funny!
It’s all a matter of THOUGHTS and WORDS and DEEDS. You need to believe that you can make happen whatever you WANT to happen for your business or professional practice. And, yes, NOW (with America’s current and projected economy) it is indeed the time!

Stop the negativity! It’s true that what goes around comes around, but NOT true that opportunity knocks once or twice. Opportunity knocks as many times as you choose for it to knock. And those choices come bursting up to the surface based on:
1) WHAT YOU THINK most of the time about yourself , and what you think most of the time about your enterprise!

2) THE WORDS YOU USE to describe yourself and your business or professional practice in formal plans and informal conversations… the words you use with friends and family, your customers/clients/patients (and their families), other businesses and practices, your geographical, educational, sports, charitable, and spiritual communities,

3) THE GENUINENESS OF YOUR ATTITUDE, and the endlessness of good deeds and services you offer… including those you know in your heart you’ll never get back or ever hear from again. Remember that integrity is doing what’s right even when there’s no one around to notice.

The Bottom Line: You have the ability to change your circumstances by simply making the decision to do that and then by consistently following through with the thoughts, words, attitude and actions that reinforce your decision at every turn.
Hal Alpiar & Johnny Stites Weekly Radio Show/24-7 Podcasts
Creating Record Business Growth Impact with 100 Years of Experience
1 pm (CT), Every Sunday, Every Week . . .
Broadcast Podcast Blast Off!

BUSINESSWORKS begins a year of free, weekly, stimulating “business-expansion-how-to” input offerings for business owners, managers and operators, and for professional practice owners and managers, and entrepreneurs.
The information source?
Two unique, and vastly different business leaders with hugely successful backgrounds:
Hal and Johnny are a proven, experienced, unlikely pair of highly active 70-something business success MBA mentor/coaches.
They decided they can have greater impact on business and professional practice growth and development by working as a team.
And they agree that weekly broadcasting and podcasting best allows them the flexibility to help others get things done.
Visit weekly with Hal and Johnny on News Talk 94.1 Middle Tennessee Radio AND, from anywhere else . . .
Or go to www.newstalk941.com . . . ANY time and Click on “Podcast Center” tab at top then scroll down to BUSINESSWORKS and (with volume on) click the little white circle!
“See You Sundays 1 pm on 94.1 Radio Cookeville, TN or ANYtime via podcast!”