My Special TWITTER JOURNEY Message

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My Special Message is


that YOU are Special!


First of all, thank you! Thank you dear Twitterers for all your Tweets, RTs, shout-outs, and endorsements, but most of all– for your visits to this blog and expressions of personal and professional support.

I have had the good fortune to hear from so many of you who’ve gotten over the Twitter Jitters by Tweet and email and phone, and blog comment boxes, and even some: in person. Thank you. 

No, I am not retiring. I’ve always believed that when you retire, you die. So many people I grew up with have, sadly, done both. No, I still choose to work fulltime and continue to maintain a schedule I am told would embarrass many people half my age.  No chest-thumping here; just a lot of long hours.

But, ah, I love what I do (mostly, write and consult on business and professional practice growth and development, and –because they need to work in tandem– on personal growth and development).

For whatever it may be worth, here –in more than 140 characters (whew!)– are some answers to some of the questions I have been asked alongside the road on my Twitter Journey:

I believe wholeheartedly that God intends us all to live life to the fullest and to help others to do the same thing. But I am not an evangelist.

If I were to quit now, I’d be wasting time and opportunities to contribute and exchange life values, motivating ideas, creative energy, and good cheer with others.

And that’s unthinkable. 

I believe in your freedom and your right to pursue your legal and moral life interests as you choose, whatever they may be, and as long as they don’t bring harm to others.

For the same reasons, I try not to bug any of you with sales pitches; in fact, since it’s April 2008 birth, I’ve never hosted a site banner, sales spiel or advertisement on this blog.


And the proof that people seek unadulterated, commercial-free blog content is in the numbers. When I started, I had 100 visitors a week. By last measure, this blog now averages closer to 100 visitors an hour. Much if not most of that increase is from Twitter – from you and the praises you sing to your friends and followers.

I am deeply appreciative for that support.


As for my follow and follower numbers: they’re low (compared to Tweet numbers) because I hand-pick each Twitter account I want to follow. Automated programs may deliver quantity; but I care about quality. I seek Twitterers with shared interests. I read each Twitter profile, visit available websites, and a check recent Tweets to see if they have topical substance that interests me.

Topical substance topics that interest me include (in no particular order):

          business, marketing, small business, dogs, writing, leadership, branding, other authors, entrepreneurship, goals, economic impact,  teaching, sales, communication, books, other bloggers, personal development, self-help, sushi, goals, motivation, stress management, productivity, baseball/softball, action attitude, health, grandchildren, patriotism…and of course, God.                                           

The Twitter Journey continues to be one of great fun, enlightenment, opportunity, and growing friendships. Thank you all for indulging me this pause during my blog post march forward as an advocate of small business. And, [P.S. I have no ties to Twitter, nor do I even know anyone associated with Twitter; it just works, that’s all.]

Your visits here are always welcome and secure from Internet invaders, lists, pop-ups, hysteria, and exaggeration. 

Have a GR8 day and week ahead!

Warmest regards – Hal     


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  Hal@Businessworks.US   302.933.0116

  Open Minds Open Doors 

   Thanks for your visit and God Bless You.

  Make today a GREAT day for someone! 

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