. . . CBS Crumbling (Part II of II)

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Perhaps, Dear CBS, whatever credibility

you ever once had, when many of us were

growing up, has long since gone out the

window –even before Dan Rather. 

     Perhaps, Dear CBS,  you’ve turned your heads away from the positive signals that the housing market is starting to look healthier because your necks got stuck when you decided to fixate on the negatives?  And perhaps you overlooked the Manager of Tanger’s —Rehoboth Beach, Delaware’s massive outlet malls that stretch for miles along Coastal Highway Rt.1— who reports that “while people are being more selective and spending longer periods shopping to economize on fuel, merchandise sales are at an all-time high!”?

     Doesn’t sound to me like your on-screen statement “Economy Crumbling!” 

     Isn’t this turning of the head scam sort of like the Iraq news reports, and your insistence on trying to make our heroic troops look bad?  [How interesting, now that we’re actually winning there, by the way, that your doom-and-gloom reports have been being quietly phased out.]  Where are your reports of U.S. Troop successes?    

     Whatever credibility you ever once had, when many of us were growing up, has long since gone out the window –even before Dan Rather– because of your own policies that appear to cultivate indiscriminate, biased word choices and conclusions at every turn.

     Do you really believe your viewers are as stupid as your so-called “news reports”?  Do you think viewer annoyance was neatly dispensed with, and swept away under Rather’s demotion rug?  Perhaps you should revisit this thinking, assuming that the short-sighted policy-making practices of your management team allows for such an excursion.   

     Do you imagine your viewers to be successfully hoodwinked by the babble of your third-rate talking heads?  Do you think the public is so blind to your crazed pursuit of money and political favor lobbying that it buys into the position of weakness you’ve carved out for yourself? 

   It’s transparently clear that –if you ever had it to begin with– you have lost all sense of responsibility and interest in preserving the platforms of objective reporting that were once the very fabric and foundation of your company’s existence. 

     No wonder the Internet is blowing you out of the water!  Shame on you for continuing to persevere in the manipulative spreading of opinions that you so maliciously and arrogantly label as “reporting.” 

     No, Dear CBS, it is YOU who is  c r u m b l i n g !

     But, ah, you do, you know, have a choice.  Every passing hour is a new opportunity for you to come alive, and present news without bias, and challenge viewers to think for themselves by putting facts on the table.  Just imagine the possibilities.  Or is that asking too much?     halalpiar

 See 7/13 Post below for Part I of II

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One Comment to “. . . CBS Crumbling (Part II of II)”

  1. Recent URLs tagged Hal - Urlrecorderon 15 May 2009 at 3:46 am

    […] recorded first by bpilgrim on 2009-04-08→ . . . CBS Crumbling (Part II of II – See 7/13 Post for Part I) […]

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