Mar 22 2016




Regardless of your career, your career interests, your day-to-day pursuits, your life circumstances . . . regardless of how rich or poor you are, how much or little you are loved, or love, how educated or intuitive or salesy you are . . . regardless of whether you are a small business owner or manager or a government or corporate muckity-muck, and whether you’re a doctor, nurse, lawyer, accountant, grave-digger, tire-changer, astronaut, roofer, artist, teacher, or hamburger flipper:

You need to think like an entrepreneur.



You don’t need to BE an entrepreneur. In fact, most who think they are, probably are not.

Thinking like an entrepreneur translates to taking more reasonable risks.

It means recognizing the expertise you lack, accepting that, and then surrounding yourself with those who can bring those missing links to the table.

It means staying focused on making your ideas work, not on making money. As you get closer to making your ideas work, the money will simply come to you; it will appear seemingly out of nowhere. If you pursue money, your ideas will fail. This conclusion comes from a gazillion tons of experience. Need examples? Try me. Call the number below. No strings attached. I’m happy to share what I’ve learned the hard way.

cash in hand

Thinking like an entrepreneur is taking steps on your own behalf instead of waiting for opportunities to come to you.

Thinking like an entrepreneur requires endless testing of your ideas.

It holds out the expectation that you will fall all over yourself to delight (not just service) your every customer, and that you will constantly solicit the customer feedback you need to adjust, adapt, and adjust        again.

Does it matter if your “customer” is a patient or patient family, a client, someone paying you for a service or   a product, rich or poor, with three eyes or one, old or young? Of course not.

ignite passion

Entrepreneurs, true entrepreneurs, are passionate about everything they do, every day of the week. But they  are also realistic enough to recognize when their passion outstrips the ability to make their ideas work, they will not go down with the ship!

Is this walking a thin line? Not if it’s a reasonable and realistic line to start with (in other words, you’re not  “betting the farm” to get where you want to go). When something doesn’t work, you take away what you learned and start out in a new direction making the most of that experience.

Does that remind you of life? Well, how about that? So, how far away from thinking like an entrepreneur has your brain strayed?

Is it time to be a peoplepreneur?


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Higher impact. Lower costs.


Business Development/ National-Awards/ Record Client Sales

Entrepreneurship & Expansion Coaching    931.854.0474

Go for your goals, thanks for your visit, God Bless You!


Make Today A Great Day For Someone!


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Dec 07 2008


True entrepreneurs thrive


on long hours, long odds,


   and adverse circumstances.   


     If you took yesterday’s Entrepreneur Personality Test and the results made you now feel qualified to start your own business, you may first want to consider some of the following:

     Entrepreneur Deaver Brown founded Cross River Products to manufacture and market Umbroller folding baby strollers.  In four years, the business he began in a corner of his kitchen was grossing $9 million a year.  Inspiring, huh?  Well, here’s what he had to say:

Starting a new business is like horse racing — the fastest way to lose your fortune is to bet on long shots.  The failure rate for new entrepreneurs is staggering.  4 out of 5 fold within within three years!  And most survivors are survivors, not prosperous businesses.

Major corporations can withstand numerous problems; a small company can barely survive one.

The life of an employed person offers a predictable salary, better fringe benefits, and more job security.  The commodity exchanges and stock markets are terrible risks, but they’re still better risks than gambling on your bread and butter earnings.  Simply put, the odds are overwhelmingly against creating a business success.

A new venture is continually dealing from a position of weakness, little cash, not enough customers, low credit lines, untrained employees, inexperienced operations management, unsympathetic bankers, and too much change happening too quickly.

     Discouraged yet?  The typical entrepreneur would not be.

     True entrepreneurs thrive on long hours, long odds and adverse circumstances.  Strange as it may seem, when things are going smoothly, an entrepreneur feels nervous, unchallenged and unfulfilled.   So, where does that leave you?  halalpiar

# # #

See Nov 29th post (below) for New Year’s contest prize and rules – Then GO FOR IT!  Emails to with “SOUNDS OF THE SEASON” in the subject line.  # # #

Check out and contribute to the daily growing 7-Word Story started 89 days ago (inside a coffin).  Click on the link to the right, or go to the “BOOKS” tab at the top of this page, then to the top headline link.

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