Jan 24 2009
What are you REALLY all about?
“Screw it! I’m gonna do
what I’ve always wanted
to do, and make it work!”
You know what? I am a businessperson first and foremost. From my first lemonade-and-comic-books-for-sale stand when I was six years-old, through years of Madison Avenue advertising agency creative and management work for Fortune 500 clients, I’ve been a businessperson.
Through a dozen years of fulltime and adjunct business marketing, management and psychology professorships on three different campuses, and through three overlap years of hosting a daily feature radio show, I’ve been a businesperson.
Through conducting 20,000 students’ worth of management training programs, and coaching nearly 500 new business startups, plus consulting with hundreds more, I’ve been a businessperson.
Yet, the blanket under it all, the thread that weaves it all together, the place where my heart is while my mind and hands have been busy being a businessperson, is writing. If first and foremost, I am a businessperson, then always and forever after, I am a writer.
Knowing this has made me a better businessperson . . . and a better writer!
What are YOU really all about? What do you DO for work every day? What do you DREAM of doing for work every day? HOW can you combine those. [I am now primarily a business writer and writing consultant, for example — traditional advertising, Internet websites and blogs, public relations and feature stories.]
Am I kidding? No. Am I being unrealistic? No. What you do for work every day is your choice! Whether you do for work every day what you dream of or not, is your choice! If that doesn’t seem possible because it’s simply too hard for you to do what you want and to make a living at it, THAT is a choice. Choose for it to be easy!
Too many of us cruise control through life doing jobs we tolerate, rather than those we know we could have more fun with. With so many people on the transition bubble right now, it may be the perfect time to simply step back, and make yourself happier and healthier and less stressed. How?
You walk up to the mirror, throw back your shoulders, smile and say “Screw it! I’m going to do what I’ve always wanted to do. And I’m going to make it work because it’s my choice, and because I don’t want to dry up and shrivel up by investing myself and my energy and my heart in maintaining the status quo! I can enlist my family’s support. I will at least explore this thinking.”
Give yourself the opportunity to be a better businessperson AND a better cowboy or dress designer or sailor or artist or restaurant owner or dog trainer or landscaper or W H A T E V E R by applying your business expertise to what makes for FUN in your life. Consolidate. Combine. You can try it. You can make it work. You need only to make the choice. Explore! Exhale! Enjoy!
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“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance!” [Thomas Jefferson]
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