Feb 02 2016

To Stimulate Your Business, Stimulate Your SELF!

“I am me. In all the world,


there is no one else


 exactly like me. 


I am OK!”

                                                                –Virginia Satir

wiggle thumb up


     Run your own business? Post these 18 words on your dashboard, mirror and refrigerator . . . Why? Because even rough tough entrepreneurs need reassurance, and especially when economic uncertainties have a way of making us all feel like too many things (even sometimes including our SELVES) are not okay.

     Have you ever felt like that, or am I just imagining it? Have you felt like that more in recent times than in the past? Do you sometimes think maybe the news media is trying to sink your ship by heaping negative economy stories on your already overburdened shoulders?

     Does it start to feel suffocating? Do you step back every once in a while and start to question your own self-worth? Get out of it! Rattle your cage! Change the channel! Shut down the news!

     Do you really need to take the murders, muggings, accidents, freaky and bizarre incidents and people, and the incessant dwelling on negativity to bed with you every night? Do you really need to wake up with it every morning?

     What would happen if you shut it all down for a few days and used the time instead to relax your brain and remind yourself how truly special and unique you are? Do you really think you would miss much? If you have doubts, take a quick trip to the library or on Google through past newspaper headlines.

daily news    

     Go back 20, 50, 100 years! Surprise! The names and locations change, but the stories are mostly the same. It will be like missing a week of C-SPAN or THE BIOGRAPHY CHANNEL. Nothing Earth-shatteringly new goes on.

     As a sort of sports version of the old expression to do reality checks by pinching yourself, I don’t recommend the method former baseball slugger Bobby Bonilla used, but the idea worked for him: every at-bat, he hit himself on his helmet with his bat just before stepping up to the plate. You can be sure it helped him focus his attention.

     SOMEthing that only you know about can be a “focus trigger” for you. Take a minute and think about that one thing. What snaps your awareness back when your mind starts to drift? Figure it out and use it more. Snap your brain back to the reality that YOU ARE UNIQUE!

That awareness, and following the reality path  that it conjures up, is



stimulous package

In other words, get yourself cranked up, and keep yourself cranked up! It’s catching, and others –internal customers (like associates, employees and vendors) as well as external customers will respond in ways that bring you more business.

Remember that what you love doing best is what you do best, and appreciating your self more will help you succeed at doing what you do best. Now THAT’s a stimulus package that can truly make a difference!

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Feb 21 2015

Are You Sending Out Mixed Messages?

“Pretty good job… for a woman!


“Pretty good job… for a woman!“

“Thanks for nothing” types of “mixed” messages pervade today’s society– in meetings, phone calls, emails, texting, even music! “Don’t smoke, don’t drink, and don’t curse,” he warns his new employee. Then the boss frantically pats down his pockets and exclaims with frustration: “Sh*t! I must have left my pipe at the bar!”

“All the world’s a stage…” proclaimed Shakespeare. At one time or another, we all play roles and mask ourselves in some way. If we become aware of ourselves when we are putting on a performance, that awareness gives us the freedom to reject unproductive (unless you’re “on stage”) playacting in favor of authenticity.

A is for Apple.jpg

And (yes, apples are great, but) certainly, A is for AUTHENTICITY too! It is Authenticity, after all, that is the overriding human quality which serves us best in both life and work

. . . yet, short of hiring someone to monitor or videotape our daily words and actions, it can be difficult at best to be aware of when we are “putting on airs” or undermining someone else or sabotaging current circumstances. Why? Because playacting is often an unconscious knee- jerk reaction to another person or situation.

So what are we to do to begin eliminating or at least minimizing phoney images and communications?

Awareness of life/career damages from disingenuous behavior is the beginning. So, you’ve already started. Next comes making a conscious effort to strengthen your resistance to assume or take on these self-destruct roles. You need to “catch yourself” by keeping your mind and body in better balance with the real you:  the deep-inside you.

Accept from the outset that–unless you’re another Mother Theresa–you may be unlikely to ever achieve 100% authenticity. But know that even slight improvements will enhance your personal respectability and community standing, and will dramatically increase others’ acceptance of your ideas and trust.

Once you are aware of this thinking and accept that “being more genuine” will rocket-boost your life, work, and play pursuits, begin to take more deep breaths. That alone will help you ground yourself in times of trouble and, ultimately, clarify your here-and-now focus in ways that win you more intrinsic happiness and more extrinsic rewards.

Being more aware paves your path to greater control and spotlights that everything you say and do is a choice that you make or the result of some choice you have made at some point in life. Simply by being more “Choice-Conscious,” you will find yourself better able to illuminate your strengths and free up your uniqueness . . . bring your real self, your authenticity, to the surface in more of what you think and say and do.

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Hal@Businessworks.US          931.854.0474

Open  Minds  Open  Doors

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Make today a GREAT day for someone!

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Jun 11 2013

Fired? Laid Off? Graduating?

Fired? Laid Off? Graduating?


It’s All The Same Thing:




“Huh? How can being fired compare to graduating?”

Both set the stage for life change.

“But one is negative and one is positive.”

Yup! Congratulations!

“You can’t be serious.”

Why not? Both situations put great opportunities in your hands. You are finally in complete control of your own destiny. And whatever you decide is 100% your choice!


If you’ve ever dreamed of making your mark on this planet, these are the kinds of circumstances (being fired, being laid off, graduating) that can open the door for you. None of them is problematic unless you choose for it to be.

Some of the world’s greatest success stories have come from those who are in, or returning from, the depths of trauma. Great riches historically land on the shoulders of those who decide in favor of moving forward with themselves instead of choosing to dwell on or wallow in the circumstances that led them into darkness.

Strength of character comes from inside you. And it has more to do with what you decide to do with your life than from outside influences telling you what’s best. No one else can ever know more about you than you know about you. So don’t rely on the judgments of others to make up your mind about what’s best for your present and future.

In sports, when someone screws up, teammates yell: “Shake it off!” because the game continues. And standing around feeling miserable about letting down your team accomplishes nothing except perhaps serves to prompt another screw-up and compound the first incident even further. It’s no different in careers or business or life.

Aaaah, and there is also of course a divine presence that deserves mention here as well because –if you believe in a supreme being– surely every major shift in life status represents the chance to re-examine and re-explore whether the ways you are moving are indeed forward, sideways or backwards . . . and this relates to attitude, not career status.

Do the steps you take today serve the best purposes of your own ambitions? Do they serve or lead you to better serve others? Are you taking steps? Any steps? What’s the roadblock? Have you convinced yourself that any steps are too difficult right now? When will that change? Can you simply choose to change it now? Are you choosing to be resistant?

More often than not, forward progress gets stalled when we get ourselves caught up in our own self-sorrow. The world keeps turning. The clock keeps ticking. Your heart keeps beating. Don’t choose to waste your precious time on earth feeling sorry for yourself. A friend of mine once admonished: “There’s plenty of time to sleep when you’re dead!”

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Hal@TheWriterWorks.com or comment below.

Thanks for visiting. Go for your goals! God Bless You!

Make today a GREAT Day for someone!

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Mar 08 2011


If you’re not selling


your creations,


stop whining


about being hungry! 


You got music, art, writing, design, sculpting, dance, painting, acting, photography, and/or craft skills and you’re broke?


How is that? Because the world you’re trying to make money in is not a music, art, writing, design, sculpting, dance, painting, acting, photography, craft skills world, that’s why.

It’s a business world. Period.


If all you seek is to win posthumous awards and recognition, good luck and God speed (and I hope –in addition to your talents– that your billionaire grandmother left you a great deal of money). But, if you’re looking to make your creative talents make money, you’re going to have to step it up (or maybe take yourself down a notch!).

It’s a business world. Period. 


Will you have to prostitute your skills? Perhaps. Depends on your definition of “prostitute” (as a verb), but if you do feel like commercialization is a process of selling your soul, you might want to re-think the value structure you’ve saddled yourself with, and accept that payment for services is not always about the giving up of one’s spirit.

It is only within your realm of definition of the word, “prostitution” that you choose to accept for an act or creative product or service of yours to be what it is.

Be reminded, in other words, that

you choose your behavior.


When you can accept that truth, you will be able to stop torturing your self. You will free yourself to give up all the self-destructive attitudes you may harbor about having to trade off your creative talents for some project retainer or ongoing fee that you’ve considered unethical or unappreciative of your instinctive abilities.

Or, someone once told me she didn’t feel the stars were aligned for her to feel okay about getting paid for applying the purity of the innermost resources of her mind to a brand name.

She was not independently wealthy.

Instead of using her God-given talents to earn a living, I presume she’s now contributing to our nation’s misguided, deficit-draining, socialist agenda, collecting welfare and food stamps!  


Do you have to market and sell and publicize yourself and the work you produce? Yes. Or hire someone you trust who has those skills and is sensitive enough to your neurotic state to be your agent or rep and stand in the publicity spotlight for you. Easy to do? No. Not if you are truly gifted and struggling to acknowledge the need.

Keep in mind that successful marketing of creative talents and creative products takes great amounts of tenacity and networking and skill-sets that include public relations (events and news release coverage), branding (both you and your creativity), and business applications to Internet and social media avenues.

Don’t feel that you’re lowering your standards. Choose instead to see you are raising your odds for success.

The more you sell, the more you can command the integrity levels of work you deserve, but right now, it may be time to start affording to bring home more than junkfood, and get some nutrition on the table to feed that creative furnace.       


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Hal@Businessworks.US or 302.933.0116

 “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance!” [Thomas Jefferson]
Thanks for visiting. Go for your goals. God Bless You.

Make today a GREAT day for someone!

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Dec 28 2009


What are you waiting for?


I know.  You’re waiting for a parade.  The doctor?  Next Christmas?  Someone else to go first?  Your parent’s approval?  Your boss’s approval?  A work order?  5PM?  Lunchtime?  Vacation?  Your birthday?  A full moon?  High tide?  Rock bottom?  Another way out?  The Lions to win the Superbowl?  The car in front of you to get out of the passing lane?  Your child to become President?  Your Father to strike oil?  A winning lottery ticket?   

     If you answered “YES” to any of the above, or anything even remotely resembling any of the above, you are probably too filled with excuses to make a success of yourself.  I can’t help you.  You need a shrink.  Happy New Year and come again sometime.

     Now.  Who’s left out there?  Anybody?  Good.  Well, then there’s still hope after all.  If you’re truly not waiting for some event or some person in order to move forward with your life –and especially your business pursuits– then odds are you’ve just been procrastinating. 

     Putting stuff off is okay sometimes.  It happens to all of us.  But if you don’t want to end up like those I dismissed in the second paragraph, you might need to give yourself a smack alongside your head or (if you can figure out how to do it) kick yourself in the butt, and get yourself in gear!

     How much more productive can you be with your waiting time (… bank lines, traffic lights, bridges, RR crossings, commuter trains, subways, boats and busses, the dentist, MVB)? 

     Next question: what’s in your pocket/briefcase/pocketbook right now? 

     Your answer should include some combination of pen, paper, laptop, cassette recorder (remember those?), cellphone(no, not to txt msgor call that hot date for after-dinner drinks, but perhaps handle a few business calls that don’t require extensive note taking, or send yourself some notes of ideas you get so you needn’t carry them in your head?), digital camera, pocket pad, sticky notes, or a book to read . . . the answer to the first question is that you can be a LOT more productive.  [Hint: These are all the tools you need!]

     I know people who’ve put together complete photo essays standing in line at the post office.  Some highly-acclaimed writers write as many street and business names down as they can see while stopped at red lights (that they can cherrypick from later when they’re seeking character and location names for their works of fiction).  I know an engineer who says he stimulates his brain by sketching vehicles and machinery while waiting for trains and bridges.

     The point is, like the old Schlitz Beer commercials used to proclaim, “You only go round once in life!” (Well some maybe do a few trips, but most of us . . .) And unfortunately, we seem to only remember how short lifetimes can be when someone close to us passes away. 

     SO, stop with the damn delays, excuses, nonproductive staring into space wishing you were somewhere else. Stop complaining about delays and start USING them. TODAY is “SOMEDAY”!  Some action is always better than no action.  

     And do remember that it’s ALL YOUR CHOICE because all of behavior is a choice.  So choose to march shoulder-to-shoulder with time. Make the most of it. Make your mark. Make a difference. Make 2010 YOUR year! Love, health, and happiness to you all!

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Reply Hal@BUSINESSWORKS.US (Subject: “Blog”) or comment below. Thanks for visiting. Go for your goals! God Bless You! Make it a GREAT Day!  Blog FREE via list-protected RSS email OR $.99/mo Amazon Kindle. Branding Line Exercise: 7Word Story (under RSS). GREAT GIFT:new Nightengale Press book THE ART OF GRANDPARENTING http://bit.ly/3nDlGF

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Apr 27 2009


Stop Beating Yourself Up!


     I’ve been hearing an inordinate amount of complaining of late from entrepreneurial types who are facing dried up venture capital sources, shut-down loan opportunities, and the literal disappearance of angel investors up and away into the distant heavens.

     So let’s explore some truths.You are not the reason for the bad economy. You are not the reason for anyone else’s problems. You are only the reason for your own problems and –harsh as you may think this sounds– you are probably the only reason for your business’s problems.

     Your feelings and your behaviors are your choice. Choose to make them good. Choose to make them easy. If your business has problems, think back and think hard and be brutally honest: you are likely the root of your business’s problems. And, yes, that’s also a choice. Ah, but you can just as easily choose to reverse direction.

     Stop making lame excuses for your business not doing as well as it should. Stop having unrealistic expectations for your business performance that are filled with empty hopes and wishes about what you imagine is possible. Stop justifying yourself with the barrage of pitiful media reports about how bad things are.

     Take the bull by the horns. Step up to the plate. Choose to put a positive attitude into your head and then begin to exercise it…consistently. Don’t accept anything less than the active pursuit of your goals as your daily regimen.

     YOU deserve better for yourself and your family and your business than to give it up to media and government know-nothings who haven’t a clue about what it takes to run and grow a successful business.

     Please forgive me for this tongue-lashing, butt-kicking lecture, but if it upsets you: A) Choose instead to see the value in rattling your cage and B) Use it as fuel to initiate positive action now.

     YOU are the smartest person on Earth about what your business needs to do to turn itself around and set the example for others. Now is your chance to make the difference that you set out to make when you started or took over your business. Be true to yourself, and your business will thrive.   

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Thank you for visiting. Good night and God bless you!

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Feb 09 2009


“Failure is an event,


not a person.


Yesterday ended last night, and


today is your brand new day.”

– World renown motivational sales guru ZIG ZIGLAR
(And special thanks to Zig’s son Tom)

Because you run your own business, you subject yourself to a steady diet of challenges.  When you’re faced with challenges, your mind automatically shifts to having expectations.  Expectations breed disappointment. 

Let me say that again:

Expectations breed disappointment! 


So here you are, steadily challenged, trying to see problems as opportunities, and trying not to have any of those nasty expectations.  Because you run your own business, you undoubtedly have plenty of reasons to take home angry feelings or feelings of failure. 

And since no one’s ever taught youto turn them off, or remind you that you’re CHOOSING them, sometimes you do swish (or clomp) your way into the entranceway of your home, loaded for bear!  But you know what?  Your spouse, your kids, your dog, the neighbor’s cat are not the growling, bloody-fanged enemy killers that batted you around all day.     

So, tune your brain to another station!  Tune in to easy-listening.  Take some deep breaths.  [See 4-step “Are You Breathing?” feature under Magazine Articles tab above.]  Remember that Failure is an EVENT, as Zig Ziglar says, not a person.  Not you.  You may have experienced a failing set of circumstances, but YOU are not a failure!

Then Zig reminds us that “Yesterday ended last night!”  Whoa, there!  Think on that one for 7 seconds!  Is he talking about literal day and night?  No, but maybe.  Is his point that staying mentally and emotionally attached to past events, in time that is past, makes for an unhealthy present, which can practically foreclose your future?  That’s certainly part of the message.  

If it’s true (and it IS true) that even a single day wasted this way wastes others, then the message should be loud and clear that we must make every effort possible as much of every day as possible to keep our minds focused on what is happening in every passing present moment. 

Make the choice to pack away all the junk that happened on a bad day at work, and leave it at work, so that it is there ready for you to succeed with it when you return on your next brand new day.  Then make it a brand new day at home tonight too! 

Make it your Rule to never choose to go to bed feeling angry or defeated.  Yes, you DO have a choice about this.  Anger and feelings of failure are behaviors.  You choose your behavior.  You can just as easily choose to not be angry and choose to not feel like a failure.  If you think it’s not easy, it’s because you’re choosing for it to be not easy.  THAT is a choice too.  Choose to make it easy.   

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