Feb 13 2009
You thought Da Vinci Code
was a big deal?
If you already know Twitter, step to the side for a minute. www.Twitter.com is a great online “social network” that –like society in general– offers a little bit of everything, and is based on “members” posting 140-character-long notes and responses 24/7 on literally any subject.
Most of the many hundreds of thousands of members who participate actively every day are primarily involved for social contact reasons. Many of those are super weirdos, many are super immature, many are super intellectuals, many are sports or political fanatics, many are just plain nice people, and many others are serious business networkers.
Okay, Twitterers, step back in.
Here’s a very short story about one of the kinds of things that Twitter is uniquely capable of accomplishing:
In addition to being a complete gentleman and genuine human being, Dan Gaffney is a prominent talk radio host on Delmarva Peninsula (focused in southern and central coastal Delaware and Maryland’s “Eastern Shore” www.WGMD.com 92.7FM, “The Talk of Delmarva” out of Rehoboth Beach).
Dan is also an active Twitter user (Tweeter). I sent Dan a short Twitter message (A “Tweet”) asking for a best time and number I could call him with a situation I thought he might be helpful with. Dan replied with the info. Our hours were not compatible so I emailed him instead.
Dan read my email on the air in his next morning broadcast (today, in fact). I was seeking contact information for a young man who had engaged me to edit his very touching children’s book manuscript story about an 8 year-old girl who dies of AIDS. Somehow, I had managed to lose the author’s phone number and business name.
The man had already paid me an editing fee and received half the manuscript back, but I had completed the last half of it prior to Thanksgiving and (actively hunting for him since then, including driving through neighboring towns searching for his truck), I couldn’t find him. I knew only the type of business he was in and the general area he was from (which was within the WGMD broadcast area).
I missed Dan’s morning show this morning, which ends at 10AM, but got an email from him at lunchtime with the author’s business name and phone number. I have since called and left a message, and expect to reunite the author with my edited version of his manuscript on Monday. After so much anxiety, I am truly thrilled and greatly relieved to finally reconnect. THANK YOU, DAN GAFFNEY!
None of this would have happened without Twitter. And this is just one little story; I have dozens.
If you do not Twitter, you are missing a huge personal and professional growth opportunity that only comes around once in a lifetime. Give it a try. It’s free! Keep open-minded. Work it for a few weeks. You’ll be astonished at what kinds of life and business connections are possible. halalpiar
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