Dec 10 2017





If you’re involved with or provide healthcare,

and you pick up just one book this year

 . . . this is the one!


     HEALTHCAREPRENEURS is guaranteed to provide what you need to continue to build (or help REbuild) your career, your practice, your department. You get the steps to grow the independent or organization-based, private or group practice or department you work with –now, in 2018 — ahead of the gathering healthcare storm.

     You get the benefit of 40 years of proven healthcare organization, practice, and healthcarepreneur development, coaching, counseling and consulting.

     You get undetectable stress management tech- niques that work all the time for every age and physical condition… for yourself, your family, your staff, and to quickly and easily teach to patients and patient families.

You get informed, detailed input on:

  • How to appear in court, in your community, at organization meetings and events.

  • How to save more time and money. 

  • How to more effectively communicate and deal with pushy detail reps, stuffy fund-raisers, patients, staff, organization administrators.

  • How to eliminate high-priced/ineffective marketing and consulting services/programs.

  • How to simplify difficult career and personal situations, turn 24/7 on-call challenges into opportunities.


Hal Alpiar, MBA (Management) and MA-E (Human Development), is Consultant/Author of the best-selling book for doctors: DOCTOR BUSINESSHow to Boost Practice Growth and Strengthen Long-Term Relationships. He’s the national book award-winning author of DOCTOR SHOPPINGHow to Choose the Right Doctor for You and Your Family, plus six other books. Hal is Co-founder of Bio-Motion of America 3D Motion Analysis for PT; he was Founding President of e-Healthcare Ventures and Co-Founding Director of the Pennsylvania Heart Institute. He served 5 years on the Public Affairs Team of the National Committee for Quality Healthcare, plus two 2-year terms on the SBA Advisory Council. Hal managed practice development programs for over 500 healthcare entities nationwide.


     Learn new ways to strengthen your reputation and relationships, deal more effectively with anger and compulsiveness, with dwelling on the past/worrying about the future… and be able to teach this to others.

     You get hard-nosed firsthand examples of both leading and losing healthcare businesses.

     HEALTHCAREPRENEURS forms the backbone of these straightforward, sleeves-rolled-up, “Your own personal coach whispering over your shoulder” pages. This is the one book you’ll take to the bathroom, the bedroom, the backyard, and breakfast.

     You’ll gain a new or renewed sense of enlightened self-interest techniques, strategies, and applications for achiev-ing and exceeding your personal (practice or department) professional, and private personal goals. And all of it is wrapped in ongoing humorous stories and comments.



This book spells out the paths and steps to take, the words to use and “pictures to paint,” and how to make a genuine difference for your SELF, for those you live and work with, and –of course– for the patient populations you serve.


Who this book is for…


HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS WITH PROFESSIONAL ATTITUDES WHO WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE: Physicians, PAs and Veterinarians (Traditional Medical and surgical; generalists) and credentialed healthcare provider specialists of every description including: physical and behavioral; Holistic Providers such as Chiropractors, Nutritionists, Acupuncturists, Yoga and Fitness Directors; NPs, RNs, CNAs; Dentists and Dental Hygienists; PTs, OTs, SPs, and Behavioral Therapists; Practice and Departmental Administrators, Managers, and Front-Desk Personnel; EMTs; Hospital and Medical Center Managers and Executives; Healthcare Practice Owners, Partners, and Investors . . . Healthcarepreneurs provides the effective take-action guide you can use right now.





Instead of following all the above

links to AMAZON, if you prefer…

…to order (no extra charge) an author-signed first edition of HEALTHCAREPRENEURS direct from Hal, simply text your name and number and 2 best time options to call you to: 1.302.752.8505 for over-the-phone major charge card purchase arrangements. Your text will be responded to within 8 hours from the number shown in red at the end of this post’s sign-off below.

OR send a check payable to:, LLC. at 370 South Lowe Avenue, Ste A-148, Cookeville, TN 38501 for $21.89 (includes sales tax) per book, plus $7.20 Priority Mail total for 1-4 books to one Continental US address below = TOTAL $29.09 for one signed copy; $50.98 for 2 signed copies to same Continental US address; $72.87 for 3 signed copies to same Continental US address; $92.82 for 4 signed copies to same Continental US address.     [Bulk Mail deliveries, book-signing events and workshop programs can be arranged by email or phone to contact information shown below.]

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              931.854.0474   (C.T.)

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Feb 16 2009

Doctors, Dentists, Plumbers, Lawyers, Salespeople, Marketers . . .

A doctor is a doctor is a doctor. 

So why should you expect the doctor to be a lawyer? 


     There are some who are both, of course (like from personal experience, I think there are probably also dentists who moonlight as plumbers!), but training and experience usually dictate expertise.  You’re not likely to find a physician handling tort reform, class action suits, or wills, real estate and corporate law. 

     With the same reasoning then, why should a doctor be expected to understand and practice sound customer service principles?  Because physicians are not simply technicians working on car engines.  They are, as we who have been patients know all too well, dealing with human beings. 

     And there is, though some doctors have yet to notice, a difference between machines and bodies.

     Okay, so medical school doesn’t much emphasize the importance of bedside manners, but it doesn’t take a whole lot of living life (even IF it’s been mostly in a medical closet) to appreciate that physicians are rightfully expected to be compassionate and understanding and empathetic enough to help their patients cope and rise above difficult physical and emotional pain and ailments. 

     Don’t you think?  So what makes it okay for any of us to sell or market products and services to others without taking enough interest in the buyers to check back with them?  Why is it not important for us to make sure our customers are STILL pleased with their purchases? 

     Why do we think doctors shouldn’t get away with ignoring our humanness, but it’s not a problem to sell someone something and then push them out the door or over the cliff and dismiss them from our lives?  Do we think there’s no chance they’ll ever return?  That they won’t tell anyone else to visit us? (or not?!) 

     When I was a college teacher on the Jersey Shore, I referred to this way of thinking as “boardwalk mentality” because tourists could be sucked into anything on the boardwalk while they were there vacationing and treating themselves and their families to some good times . . . and they’d be gone in a week and never return anyway . . . or if they did, they’d never remember getting ripped off, so screw’em!

     Well, besides the fact that those days have gone, that even boardwalk concessions are more customer-conscious, and that doctors and lawyers (well, okay, not lawyers) have become more patient satisfaction savvy, many sales and marketing people still avoid customer service followup calls. 

     They do so at their peril, and naively thinking it’s not costing them repeat sales.  It is.  And will eventually (sooner rather than later) cost them a job.  A word to the wise . . .                       halalpiar 


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Check out and contribute to the daily growing 7-Word Story started 159 days ago (inside a coffin).  Click on the link to the right, or go to the “BOOKS” tab at the top of this page, then to the top headline link.

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