Every minute of every day, someone
thinks s/he is an entrepreneur, or can
become one, or that s/he can magically
turn someone into an “entrepreneur”
Do you have an Entrepreneur Training Center or some such entity in your town or on your campus? Does their spiel sound enticing? After all, who wouldn’t give a few months or weeks (or years) and a few hundred or few thousand dollars to fulfill the dream of becoming an “entrepreneur”… reporting to no one and making lots of money for entrepreneuring your ideas?
You’ve always liked the dream of winning a lottery or triumphing over some casino offering and you are known among friends for being lucky and/or having good judgment. You’re inquisitive and action-oriented. And you have exceptional creative skills. So go for it!
But be aware that the odds are overwhelmingly against becoming or making yourself into an entrepreneur. Why? Because Entrepreneurs are born not made.
Entrepreneurship is an instinct, not a learned skill. You either have it or you don’t. And if you don’t, no amount of effort on your part or on the part of any pretending instructor will make any difference.
Your bubble has burst? Sorry, but the truth is IF you can look at the issues involved honestly, there is MUCH that can be learned about entrepreneurial behaviors and ways of thinking that can work to your benefit. So maybe it’s not in your blood, but entrepreneurial THINKING is what makes this planet exist. It is what generates lifetimes of success. Yes, it includes some risk-taking, but what in life does not?
The point here is to stop dreaming and be realistic. Successful entrepreneurs are doers not dreamers. They act on limited knowledge (who doesn’t?). When something doesn’t work the way they want or imagine, they try something different and keep moving forward. They do NOT hang out at bars or pot-shops.
They do not throw money around to impress others, or to experience exorbitant weekends or vacations. Contrary to popular opinion, successful entrepreneurs make the time to be analytical but not to the point of dwelling on what surfaces. They pay careful attention to money management at every level, from bill-paying, credit ratings, taxes, investments, weekly expenses.
Successful entrepreneurs often have grand-scale ideas but will typically only realize those ideas by taking one step at a time. Skipping over essential ingredients or directions or parts or opportunities leads to bungled products and misrepresented services. Being open-minded enough to listen to voices of experience and to process conclusions serves to develop a sense of life/work balance.
Of course there’s more. But how you use what you know and what you learn is completely your call, and pretending that you can achieve or acquire entrepreneurship or provide entrepreneurship to others is fantasy. That you can learn and apply the traits and practices of entrepreneurial thinking to your life pursuits is reality, but it will not necessarily come easy, anymore that being born with entrepreneurial instincts is a choice . . . even though everything else IS.
Unless you’re caught up with ushering in holiday retail and online madness shopping clamor, you are likely entering “The Great American Slowdown” holiday season, and taking that much-awaited business relief break for yourself.
This is not to suggest you divert from the certainty of increased family interactions.
It IS, however, to point out that as a suddenly relaxing American business or professional practice boss (Owner, Partner, Operator, Manager, Entrepreneur, CEO, CFO, CTO, or one of those other corporate muckity-muck titles), you may well be missing your single greatest business growth opportunity of the year ahead.
Speaking of “ahead,” putting your hands behind your head (and feet onto your desk) for longer than some deep stress-relief breaths — instead of simply shifting productivity gears (like your savvy competitors will surely be doing) can be just enough to send your happy business existence down the tubes.
By not making the most of business downtime to give yourself and your business interests a thorough checkup, and revitalize your business growth plans for 2019, you may well be short-circuiting what little entrepreneurial think time you will have once January hangovers and New Years Resolutions begin to fade.
Putting a stethoscope to your business structure, employees, customer base, ambitions, growth directions… and whatever “map” you may have in your head for how to get where you’re going needs to be your first step.
Remind yourself that once 2019 gets on a roll (usually around mid-January) it may be too late to take the time out to reassess, reevaluate, and adjust goals and directions.
NOW is the ideal time (or after Christmas, if you’re in retail) to take a step back from where you’ve had your head buried all year to inventory what worked and what didn’t, what needs to be adjusted, what needs to be dumped… and PUT IT IN WRITING!
What? Who needs that? I put stuff on my PC, notebook, laptop, smart phone… writing?! Humbug!
When you put important ideas, ambitions, guidelines, goals onto paper with (OMG) a pen(!), there is a major physiological difference. Ideas from your brain that go through your neck to your shoulder, arm, wrist, hand, fingers, and into a pen, then ink, and transfer to a piece of paper, you create a more personally binding commitment than with keying in any kind of electronic transfer.
Humans do not commit actions to words on a screen, but we do follow-through with a greater sense of determination, open-mindedness and commitment when we put our words to paper.
This doesn’t mean everything has to be rigid or etched-in-stone. Effective planning and goals still need to be specific, realistic, flexible, due-dated, and in writing to be effective!
So, when things change–as they always do–in ways that impact what we are aiming for, we simply re-write our plans on another piece of paper and tear up the old one . . . and, like the battery-run rabbit, “keep on going.”
New book: Healthcarepreneurs — free 24/7 access to weekly
22-minute “BUSINESSWORKS” Radio Show/Podcast
Creating Record Client Impact Since 1981
Get your FREE no-strings-attached
weekly dose of success-anchored guidance
based on 100+ years’ experience
NO TRICKS. NO GIMMICKS. NO RECORDS KEPT OF YOUR VISITS. This is not some online “upgrade” deal. Get your free 22-minute podcast 24/7 via computer or mobile phone. Pick any night-or-day time slot that fits your schedule (Listen before, during/after work–even driving). Nothing to subscribe to. Replay it whenever you want.
EACH 22-MINUTE PODCAST gives you tools and ideas for achieving fast-track success with your small-to-medium-sized business or healthcare practice… and grow it quicker than you can do by yourself. No time limits! We don’t chase after you. We don’t even know who or where you are. Start with a “Sampler Visit”—> CLICK HERE (then scroll down to “BUSINESSWORKS” and pick any topic!)
SIMPLY LISTEN WHENEVER YOU CAN to get the best of two diverse approaches to solving your own business and practice growth problems. We share what we’ve learned to help you avoid wasting time, money, and energy.
Branding. Marketing. Advertising. Sales. Community and Public Relations. Customer Service and CRM. Recruiting, Hiring and Firing. Management Coaching. Staff Training. Investments. Money/Resource Management. Outsourcing. Dealing with Partners/ Investors. New Revenue Streams. Startups/Revitalizations. Stress and Time Management. Communication Skills. Strategic Planning. Dealing With Government Agencies. Much More.
CO-HOSTS HAL ALPIAR AND JOHNNY STITES (and their periodic guests) help you sort through issues, stimulate your creativity, and learn to trust your own business sense and judgments.
YOU GET HANDS-ON-EXPERIENCED INPUT from professional coaches who help grow all kinds of specialized and competitive enterprises… from construction and skilled labor to retail, manufacturing, and service entities… from healthcare practices and facilities of every specialty and description… medical centers, hospital departments/ institutes, immediate and long-term care facilities.
NOT ONLY DO BOTH HAL & JOHNNY PROVIDE a combined 100+ years of success track-record. They also offer proven expertise in managing the uniqueness’s of family businesses and in positioning nonprofit and creative project businesses and organizations for long-term growth.
CALL HAL AT 1.931.854.0474
OR JOHNNY AT 1.931.261.7003
The National Federation of Independent Business proclaims NOW is the first time in 45 years that confidence levels of US small business owners are prompting a growth and expansion attitude.
So, the time to grow is NOW.
But beware the temptation to charge full-steam ahead because pursuing more business or professional practice growth now probably means you’ll need to be pulling weeds first!
You’ll need to make more elbow room for your new or planned crops/flowers/products/services to gain more sunshine, and an increased share of watering.
And, remember that no matter how clear things appear above ground, nothing can grow when underground weed roots are commandeering the water supply, and strangling what you are trying to plant!
So, even with more sunshine, unless below-the-surface water routes are not also freed up, you will have done only half the job… ending up with half the possible results.
Well then, where do you start?
Just pulling harder on your weeds often only serves only to delay failure because the roots that remain (after the aboveground portions snap off) simply get larger and even more aggressive.
Odds are you already have a pretty good idea of where you want to end up, but before you set specific, realistic, flexible, due-dated goals in writing, step back from what you’re doing right now and assess your business’s ability to rise to the occasion.
In other words, honor the famous old quotes from Robert J. McKain: “There is no achievement without goals” and Earl Nightingale: “People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going.” And most importantly: Start with an honest appraisal of your SELF.
How capable are you and how much do you really want to spend the energy to make a difference for your SELF, your family, your employees, your customer/patient/client base?
How many people are presently employed by your business or professional practice?
Have each of them demonstrated a capability to rise to the occasion? If yours is a “family” business, how invasive is that influence on where you want to go?
Make a Yes/No/Maybe list.
Who among the “no” and “maybe” people are “weeds”? (i.e., they need to move or shift their attitudes somehow to allow more sunshine in… or they need to simply be removed by the roots because they are taking up too much space and water to continue with your new growth ambitions and directions.)
Decide how flexible/adaptable/energetic/motivated each of them is?
And what you think it will take to get each moving in the right direction.
Remember that weeds DO have a use
. . . when they are added to the mulch pile.
Hal Alpiar & Johnny Stites Weekly Radio Show 24/7 Podcasts
Creating Record Business Growth Impact with 100 Years of Experience
You thinkin’ it takes money to make money, honey,
but you ain’t got none… and that ain’t funny!
It’s all a matter of THOUGHTS and WORDS and DEEDS. You need to believe that you can make happen whatever you WANT to happen for your business or professional practice. And, yes, NOW (with America’s current and projected economy) it is indeed the time!
Stop the negativity! It’s true that what goes around comes around, but NOT true that opportunity knocks once or twice. Opportunity knocks as many times as you choose for it to knock. And those choices come bursting up to the surface based on:
1) WHAT YOU THINK most of the time about yourself , and what you think most of the time about your enterprise!
2) THE WORDS YOU USE to describe yourself and your business or professional practice in formal plans and informal conversations… the words you use with friends and family, your customers/clients/patients (and their families), other businesses and practices, your geographical, educational, sports, charitable, and spiritual communities,
3) THE GENUINENESS OF YOUR ATTITUDE, and the endlessness of good deeds and services you offer… including those you know in your heart you’ll never get back or ever hear from again. Remember that integrity is doing what’s right even when there’s no one around to notice.
The Bottom Line: You have the ability to change your circumstances by simply making the decision to do that and then by consistently following through with the thoughts, words, attitude and actions that reinforce your decision at every turn.
Hal Alpiar & Johnny Stites Weekly Radio Show/24-7 Podcasts
Creating Record Business Growth Impact with 100 Years of Experience
Economy Surge Boosts Business
(but not yours or the Post Office?)
Are you seeking some magic to re-ignite your business to take advantage of the booming US economy… or are you standing there, totally befuddled, sucking your thumb and wondering how YOU MISSED THE BOAT??… this post is for you!
The United States Postal Service has had a zillion opportunities to succeed over a zillion years of big-time budgets and noteworthy big-time leadership of politically-based government organization people, who appear to have never earnestly sought real-world business input.
USPS has failed to act on endless business growth opportunities Priority-Mailed to itself on a golden platter because those in charge thought they had and continue to think they have all the answers. (When was the last USPS Customer Survey you received?)
That belief alone spells disaster for any business or organization, or even professional practice. The lifetime of failure spawned (and actually nurtured) smarter competition.
How do I know all this?
First, because I grew up with my father being (for 25 years) a USPS Special Delivery Messenger –the first 7-days a week version of overnight delivery service– and watched Special Delivery Mail dissolve away to open a floodgate of business for FedEx, UPS, Amazon, and a long list of others.
Second, because I’ve had the good fortune to have had many proven and experienced business teachers and trainers in my life share many business development basics, like: No one ever has all the answers. Open Minds Open Doors. Leadership is about listening first and acting second.
And I have been able to apply successfully what I’ve learned to teach others— as a professor, business and healthcare practice coach/consultant, published author, management trainer, and now as a “business how-to” podcast and radio host.
With that as background, I attempted numerous times over the years to communicate with USPS executives in some of the same ways I succeeded at communicating with private business enterprise owners and managers… with ideas and proposals… but they were never responded to except by form letter thank-you-but-no-thank-you notes.
NOTHING — not even a booming economy — can save you!
STOP HERE. Take a deep breath.
Has your business run away from you? Are you trying too hard to force it into a direction that simply doesn’t fit?
Do you shut down whenever someone floats a business-growth idea past you because you think they couldn’t possibly understand what you’re facing or what you’ve done to get where you are?
Or maybe just because you don’t trust that person’s face or age or lack of hard-nosed experience, or what you imagine to be her/his sense of reality?
If your answer is “VERY,” Congratulations! Now open your eyes, your arms and your mind and get ready to turn things around. You’ve just taken the first step to put yourself on track to being the business winner you’ve always been capable of being. Reach out for input from other business owners, from employees, from customers. Consider and sort out and weigh the options… THEN (without betting the farm), Take Action!
P.S. In case you haven’t heard, President Trump is “taking action” with the formation of a USPS Task Force to address some of the kinds of issues raised here, as well as how to get a better deal with other delivery services. Hoping for the best for USPS… and, of course, for YOU!
Hal Alpiar & Johnny Stites Weekly Radio Show/24-7 Podcasts
Creating Record Business Growth Impact with 100 Years of Experience
1 pm (CT), Every Sunday, Every Week . . .
Broadcast Podcast Blast Off!
BUSINESSWORKS begins a year of free, weekly, stimulating “business-expansion-how-to” input offerings for business owners, managers and operators, and for professional practice owners and managers, and entrepreneurs.
The information source?
Two unique, and vastly different business leaders with hugely successful backgrounds:
Hal and Johnny are a proven, experienced, unlikely pair of highly active 70-something business success MBA mentor/coaches.
They decided they can have greater impact on business and professional practice growth and development by working as a team.
And they agree that weekly broadcasting and podcasting best allows them the flexibility to help others get things done.
Visit weekly with Hal and Johnny on News Talk 94.1 Middle Tennessee Radio AND, from anywhere else . . .
Or go to www.newstalk941.com . . . ANY time and Click on “Podcast Center” tab at top then scroll down to BUSINESSWORKS and (with volume on) click the little white circle!
“See You Sundays 1 pm on 94.1 Radio Cookeville, TN or ANYtime via podcast!”
NOW is the time to make your business or professional practice e x p a n d and grow…
Are you on the launchpad or stuck in mud? Or somewhere in between? A legitimate, proven, affordable expert can provide what you need most to expand your business or professional practice — NOW!
Where else can you get immediate usable creative input that’s personalized and focused on your specific needs? And all in just 3-6 weeks of ongoing, 1-on-1 telephone and email exchanges?
You won’t find a more qualified entrepreneurial business and professional practice development coach than Hal Alpiar.
Hal knows how to break sales barriers, how to start/re-start and expand businesses, how to grow your customer/client base or patient volume . . . how to help you make a difference, now!
Timing is critical. With your business ready to grow, the wrong direction could send it over the cliff instead of into orbit.
A single word change in a branding line can bankrupt your business OR make your message a popular expression that catapults sales.
[Click free BRANDING TIPS Tab above for more.]
What’s it worth to feel reassured that your head is on straight about the path you want to follow?
What’s it worth to discover a last-minute adjustment that can save you a small fortune or ignite a new revenue stream?
Hiring a “Yes-Person” (with associated salary, perks, benefits) to assist you with implementing your plans that might bring results, is risky at best.
Instead, for probably a lot less money, get Hal’s short-term input. He will be invested with you in your success and provide heavily-experienced creative thinking.
Stop kicking the dirt and worrying.
Take 10 or 20 minutes out of your busy life to contact Hal. Ask the questions you need answered to reassure yourself –and judge for yourself. There’s no fee to ask or to get honest answers. If he doesn’t feel he can help you succeed, he’ll tell you. If he does, he’ll tell you how.
Investing in Hal’s coaching is investing in your SELF, and costs a lot less than you might imagine. Confidentiality, by the way, is 100% Guaranteed!
CALL 1.931.854.0474 TODAY 9AM-9PM (CT)
Division of TheWriterWorks.com, LLC. Creating Record Client Growth Since 1981
Medical Practice & Other
Healthcare Leaders…
R-E-J-O-I-C-E !!
Finally, a simple, straightforward path to:
Save huge amounts of business expense
Have happier staff and partners invested in teamwork and in getting the most out of every hour, every day
Increase confidence and communicate better with patients, patient families and the communities you serve
Manage your own stress with easy unnoticeable steps and be able to teach those around you in 10 minutes!
Increase patient volume with (little-known in the health-care world) practice-building steps that are FREE!
. . . AND MUCH MORE in the new $19.95 book:
HEALTHCAREPRENEURS — the best of proven success in medical practice and healthcare business development guidance, including the latest 2018 techniques and basic step-by-step procedures to save time and aggravation.
Reader comments include:
…“Reading this book is like having your own personal coach whispering to you from over you shoulder.”
… “It’s like getting a lifetime of direct experience peppered throughout with subtle humor.”
… “Loaded with easy-to-identify-with examples… stories I’ve heard but never before considered the solutions.”
… “It’s easily worth a year+ of private-tutor-style healthcare business training that gets results!”
Healthcare business development author/coach/radio host Hal Alpiar is currently scheduling his third Workshop/Speaking/Book-Signing Tour (Tour #1 was for his 5-Star DOCTOR BUSINESS; #2, his National Healthcare Book Award-Winning DOCTOR SHOPPING)
You choose from any of the 35 Chapter topics!
He conducts these sessions in exchange for booksale opportunities and for covering (reasonable/ documented/pre-authorized) expenses only. Special arrangements for regional scheduling.
RESPOND TODAY! Schedule YOUR medical/Healthcare group NOW: Currently planning dates for independent practices, healthcare associations/organizations/local chapters, in Atlanta, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, DC, Delaware, Philadelphia, and the NJ Shore.
or prompt-reply phone message: 1.931.854.0474
If you’re involved with or provide healthcare,
and you pick up just one book this year
. . . this is the one!
HEALTHCAREPRENEURS is guaranteed to provide what you need to continue to build (or help REbuild) your career, your practice, your department. You get the steps to grow the independent or organization-based, private or group practice or department you work with –now, in 2018 — ahead of the gathering healthcare storm.
You get the benefit of 40 years of proven healthcare organization, practice, and healthcarepreneur development, coaching, counseling and consulting.
You get undetectable stress management tech- niques that work all the time for every age and physical condition… for yourself, your family, your staff, and to quickly and easily teach to patients and patient families.
You get informed, detailed input on:
How to appear in court, in your community, at organization meetings and events.
How to save more time and money.
How to more effectively communicate and deal with pushy detail reps, stuffy fund-raisers, patients, staff, organization administrators.
How to eliminate high-priced/ineffective marketing and consulting services/programs.
How to simplify difficult career and personal situations, turn 24/7 on-call challenges into opportunities.
Hal Alpiar, MBA (Management) and MA-E (Human Development), is Consultant/Author of the best-selling book for doctors: DOCTOR BUSINESS… How to Boost Practice Growth and Strengthen Long-Term Relationships. He’s the national book award-winning author of DOCTOR SHOPPING… How to Choose the Right Doctor for You and Your Family, plus six other books. Hal is Co-founder of Bio-Motion of America 3D Motion Analysis for PT; he was Founding President of e-Healthcare Ventures and Co-Founding Director of the Pennsylvania Heart Institute. He served 5 years on the Public Affairs Team of the National Committee for Quality Healthcare, plus two 2-year terms on the SBA Advisory Council. Hal managed practice development programs for over 500 healthcare entities nationwide.![](https://www.halalpiar.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/01/hal_teaching-300x225.jpg)
Learn new ways to strengthen your reputation and relationships, deal more effectively with anger and compulsiveness, with dwelling on the past/worrying about the future… and be able to teach this to others.
You get hard-nosed firsthand examples of both leading and losing healthcare businesses.
HEALTHCAREPRENEURS forms the backbone of these straightforward, sleeves-rolled-up, “Your own personal coach whispering over your shoulder” pages. This is the one book you’ll take to the bathroom, the bedroom, the backyard, and breakfast.
You’ll gain a new or renewed sense of enlightened self-interest techniques, strategies, and applications for achiev-ing and exceeding your personal (practice or department) professional, and private personal goals. And all of it is wrapped in ongoing humorous stories and comments.
This book spells out the paths and steps to take, the words to use and “pictures to paint,” and how to make a genuine difference for your SELF, for those you live and work with, and –of course– for the patient populations you serve.
Who this book is for…
HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS WITH PROFESSIONAL ATTITUDES WHO WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE: Physicians, PAs and Veterinarians (Traditional Medical and surgical; generalists) and credentialed healthcare provider specialists of every description including: physical and behavioral; Holistic Providers such as Chiropractors, Nutritionists, Acupuncturists, Yoga and Fitness Directors; NPs, RNs, CNAs; Dentists and Dental Hygienists; PTs, OTs, SPs, and Behavioral Therapists; Practice and Departmental Administrators, Managers, and Front-Desk Personnel; EMTs; Hospital and Medical Center Managers and Executives; Healthcare Practice Owners, Partners, and Investors . . . Healthcarepreneurs provides the effective take-action guide you can use right now.
Instead of following all the above
links to AMAZON, if you prefer…
…to order (no extra charge) an author-signed first edition of HEALTHCAREPRENEURS direct from Hal, simply text your name and number and 2 best time options to call you to: 1.302.752.8505 for over-the-phone major charge card purchase arrangements. Your text will be responded to within 8 hours from the number shown in red at the end of this post’s sign-off below.
OR send a check payable to: TheWriterWorks.com, LLC. at 370 South Lowe Avenue, Ste A-148, Cookeville, TN 38501 for $21.89 (includes sales tax) per book, plus $7.20 Priority Mail total for 1-4 books to one Continental US address below = TOTAL $29.09 for one signed copy; $50.98 for 2 signed copies to same Continental US address; $72.87 for 3 signed copies to same Continental US address; $92.82 for 4 signed copies to same Continental US address. [Bulk Mail deliveries, book-signing events and workshop programs can be arranged by email or phone to contact information shown below.]
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