Sep 10 2015

DAY 4 – 30 Days To The New Economy

Your Role in History as an Entrepreneur 


Adapted from the book 30 DAYS TO THE NEW ECONOMY

written and published by Peggy Salvatore



Remember the Arab Spring? What was that, anyway?   People protesting for freedom, I think. People

    throwing off the shackles of oppression —
as portrayed by the press. That was the official meme.


Like King George issuing an edict to America’s colonies, the official meme was received with a jaundiced eye by the people in the middle of the action and their Internet friends around the globe.

Let’s face it. People are playing video games with other people all around the world, all the time. And global business ties keep everyone in close proximity to every-one else via Skype or a short jet hop.

Like never before in the history of the world, people get to know each other (or at least a little ABOUT each other). And it gets harder each day for an official story to go unchallenged. So it was with the Arab Spring.

As tumult rocked the Middle East, video gamers texted each other across and between continents. They started Twitter feeds. People talked about what was going on.

This dynamic affects business. At the same time as global corporations are capable of spreading influence instantaneously, so is the small on- line entrepreneur. If knowledge is power, power is no longer hierarchi- cal. Power is flat. It is matrixed. It favors the nimble.

Global corporations may be SEO and Google search engine masters. But today’s Internet entrepreneur has a real shot at reaching customers in her/his space using various networking opportunities in his/her field — darting around, past, over and under the global giants.

The average Internet Joe can connect with other Internet Joe’s and Jane’s in small to medium sized businesses and make an excellent living working for individuals who need his expertise.

Like the video game friends texting real-time human concern during the Arab Spring, personal networks have a flexibility and humanity that allow them to reach people on a level that the major players cannot.

The Internet offers small service and product providers the same, if not better, opportunities for personal service and connection to many poten- tial customers around the world as those exercised by huge multi-national corporations.

Customers benefit from low cost, high quality and personal service using Internet Joe businesses operating in the new economy.

This democratization of knowledge and power has leveled the business playing field. It has also leveled the political playing field which is, if not the same thing, something very highly related and correlated.

Just as politics attempts to control who gets what, and who decides, the proliferation of information puts control into the hands of the aver- age Internet Joe. He is the customer and the provider as the flattened power matrix envelopes everyone with an Internet connection.

From this vantage point, new products and services are being develop-  ed in a way that is not just close to the customer, but are being develop- ed in conjunction WITH the customer!

And with Internet Joe now everywhere, all the time, the New Economy transcends borders, nations and politics.

C’mon back MONDAY 9/14 for Day 5 to find out
how this impacts commerce.

When you need some personal, one-on-one coaching beyond the Internet offerings, give us a call. (Direct line numbers on masthead above.) In the meantime, follow us HERE for FREE for the next 26 days to see what others think, and discover some of the surprise findings we have in store for you—new and proven “mental apps” to apply to your own entrepreneurial and business development!

For more information on Peggy Salvatore’s book: 30 Days to the New Economy [© Peggy Salvatore 2015. All Rights Reserved.] click on ENTREPRENEUR NEWS  or visit for the E-book
# # #
Hal@Businessworks.US    Peggy@Businessworks.US

Open  Minds  Open  Doors

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Sep 08 2015

DAY 2 – 30 Days To The New Economy

Your Role in History as an Entrepreneur 




Adapted from the book 30 DAYS TO THE NEW ECONOMY written and published by Peggy Salvatore

Building an online business in the new economy? So you’re a “frontier pioneer.” You’ve figuratively hitched your horse to your wagon and joined the wagon train.


Can you imagine yourself in 1840 America, heading west to the new frontier, searching for gold? Time and space have changed, but the challenges remain.

When I started my consulting career 20 years ago, I took a small pro- ject assignment at the University of Pennsylvania helping the develop- ment office build its first website. I took some html classes there as part of the job to write the website content. The Penn Development Depart- ment built the first donor recognition site in the world. In the world. The first.

  • As part of the job, I had to investigate whether we could get digital rights to legendary opera singer Marion Anderson’s recording library. I discussed the intellectual property challenges of this endeavor with the Music Department of Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana, one of the places where these questions were first considered.
  •  I talked with attorneys who were still working out how much of a copyrighted work we could republish online before violating the owners’ rights. Seriously. Lawyers were just beginning to entertain those ideas in the late 20th Century.
  •  Then sometime around the end of that assignment, we got wind of some amazing new software that allowed me to build the website without inserting the html coding. I saw Windows for the first time. Since we were rounding the last bend of that project, I never actually benefited from these new technologies but we saw the changes coming.

The point is that, at times, I’ve watched the development of the Internet as more than just an innocent bystander. I’ve had some hands-on glimpses of where we started not that long ago. From that vantage point, and considering where we are today, I believe that—as the old song goes—“we’ve only just begun” to develop the new economy.

Are you here? Or are you there?


In the last few years we’ve hit an inflection point that is allowing the Internet to take the world economy in a new direction. People far more Internet savvy than I am are talking about this in much more sophisticated ways.

My purpose here is to encourage.

The online small business entrepreneur needs to go get her or his horse, hitch up, and join the wagon train. Getting into the Internet wagon train business space now is like buying gold at $390 an ounce… you think it can’t go any higher, but you’ll be wrong!

If you are weighing whether to offer your products and services online to a global marketplace from your own virtual storefront, consider it $390 an ounce gold.

Or step back one more historical notch

to where we began this DAY 2 article:

Close your eyes a minute, take a deep breath.
Can you “see” yourself panning for gold from
the back of your Conestoga wagon while your
happy horse camps out by the river?

# # #

When you need some personal, one-on-one coaching beyond the Internet offerings, give us a call. (Direct line numbers on masthead above.) In the meantime, follow us HERE for FREE for the next 28 weekdays to see what others think, and discover some of the surprise findings we have in store for you—new and proven “mental apps” to apply to your own entrepreneurial and business development!

See you here tomorrow 9/10 for Day 3.

For more information on Peggy Salvatore’s book: 30 Days to the New Economy [© Peggy Salvatore 2015. All Rights Reserved.] click on ENTREPRENEUR NEWS or visit for the E-book

# # #
Hal@Businessworks.US      Peggy@Businessworks.US

Open Minds Open Doors

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Sep 07 2015

DAY 1 – 30 Days To The New Economy

Your Role in History as an Entrepreneur


Adapted from the book 30 DAYS TO THE NEW ECONOMY

written and published by Peggy Salvatore

Fantastical Journey

Watching the world from your computer? Isn’t it a fantastical place? Nimble entrepreneurs in the Internet economy are zigging while major corporations are zagging. Zigging is the new orange.


Anyone still zagging, who is stuck in the old paradigm, is feeling the dislocation and loss. Those who are still trying to restore large, lumber- ing, industrial manufacturing entities, or even trying to keep alive a monetary system based on physical representations of value, are going to feel like things are coming apart at the seams.

So, is the world economy coming apart at the seams?
Nah! It’s just shifting gears!

Customer experience is driving this new economy. Those who are zigging are responding to their potential markets in massively impress- ive ways… from a platform of inquisitiveness that is part of a burgeon- ing online conversation among techies, marketers, leadership gurus and innovators of all stripes. Learning is no longer “one-way.”

This is YOUR Time to Build


Internet entrepreneurs are building the new economy with instant responses to real customers on the ground all around the world in real time. Many are brilliant and amazing. Some are even generous.

The “spontaneous combustion” of the New Economy is leaving many in its tracks who don’t know how to run a business. And problems must be solved instantaneously now.

But help IS available, lots of it, online—and much of it for free—including apps and resources that offer excellent education and great content. For the monthly price of access to a service provider, anyone can learn, have, do, or know just about anything or anyone, 24/7.

I used to wonder how that business model will survive. The bust at the turn of the 21st Century appeared to signal that online businesses could not be monetized. In retrospect, that was wrong. People figured out how to make online businesses profitable. Given motivation, inspired humans will find a way to make money doing anything. Ask PT Barnum.

For the last nine months, I have been studying the Internet economy and many of the entrepreneurs who are building it. My quest started in an attempt to figure out how they fit into a business plan. That began a fantastic journey. I discovered quite quickly that there is a phenomenal amount of highly valuable free information available in the form of extremely well-done training: Free Webinars; Free E-books; Free Podcasts; Free Every-imaginable-kind-of-thing-you-want-to-know!

I dedicated my pursuit to consuming as much information as possible. Online content has led me to a new crop of physical books and seminars as well. So, while it isn’t all virtual, the virtual environment is the glue that holds all the physical pieces together. And here are just some of the disciplines I’ve been exploring:

• Business Development and Entrepreneurship
• Internet Business Structure and Technology
• Personal and Professional Growth
• Markets, Marketing, and Management Leadership
• Blogging, Podcasting, Webinar and E-book development
• Motivational and Spiritual underpinnings of business success

# # #


NOTE FROM PEGGY: WILL YOU PARTNER WITH HAL ALPIAR AND ME? This is just the first of 30 Days’ worth of prompting, provoking, igniting, and seeking YOUR input and ideas for Building the New Economy!

Please join the conversation in the comment section and tell us:

??  What’s YOUR contribution to the New Economy? (Talk about YOUR business pursuits!)

??  What do you think of “Corporate Entrepreneurship”© (Training/Coaching Corporate Executives to THINK like entrepreneurs)?

??  We want to know YOUR part in building a new, integrated, humane world… (On the Internet and through your own business).

??  And what’s YOUR sticking point? (What’s keeping you from where YOU want to go?)

When you need some personal, one-on-one coaching beyond the Internet offerings, give us a call. (Direct line numbers on masthead above.) In the meantime, follow us HERE for FREE for the next 29 days to see what others think, and discover some of the surprise findings we have in store for you—new and proven “mental apps” to apply to your own entrepreneurial and business development!

See you here tomorrow 9/9 for Day 2.

For more information on Peggy Salvatore’s book: 30 Days to the New Economy [© Peggy Salvatore 2015. All Rights Reserved.] click on ENTREPRENEUR NEWS or visit  for the E-book

# # #

Hal@Businessworks.US   Peggy@Businessworks.US

Open  Minds  Open  Doors

Thank you for your visit and make today a GREAT day for someone!

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Jun 04 2009


Action In Pursuit Of


Meaningful Goals


Delivers Success


     Much has been made in motivational literature about the wisdom of rewarding those employees who have tried and failed—solving, launching, selling, creating, producing, developing, inventing—cited often as a best practices reverse-psychology hallmark of many of the human resource management approaches used by the same big business catastrophes that have dragged down the entire global economy 

     The point of this thinking is that by mollycoddling people who can’t cut the mustard, these non-performers will inevitably produce more positive results when you continually reward them with an “A” for effort. After all, shouldn’t business be like T-Ball or Cub Scouts where everybody who does a good job of trying gets rewarded? After all, rewarding employees for failed efforts that are born of sincerity may produce failures, but will also produce more sincere efforts, which will presumably and eventually pay off in success. Right? 

     Well, I don’t buy it. It’s non-productive circular reasoning. We’re not talking about sensitivity here. Insensitive bosses don’t survive long term. We’re talking about making businesses work. Period. I believe when you reward people for failing, you are simply prompting them to produce more failure. Don’t you think? I mean, it seems to me it makes more sense to instead reassess the goals attached to the challenges at hand.

     Are goals clearly defined? Specific? Flexible? Realistic? Due-dated? If they’re not ALL of these things, they’re not goals; they’re wishes. Wishes don’t get things done. Action gets things done. Real, meaningful goals that are specific, flexible, realistic and due-dated are the ones that trigger action. Action in pursuit of meaningful goals delivers success. 

     Huh? Well, consider that if perhaps the carrot is closer, the rabbit will actually reach it and then get a commensurate reward (a bite of carrot) vs. having to try getting to a far-away, out-of-reach carrot, the pursuit of which serves only to exhaust and stress out the rabbit, nes pas?

     It is a far more productive practice to reward steady small steps to achieving success with incremental (small, frequent) rewards along the way. It’s easy to say the sky’s the limit, and set off for the sky, but whatever is “easy to say” is rarely productive, and almost never is “reaching the sky” realistic.

     Except for those few wondrous gifts to humankind—like the Wright Brothers, Mother Theresa, Thomas Edison, Helen Keller, Einstein—most of us will not achieve their levels of the impossible dream in our lifetimes.

     We can, though, most assuredly achieve our own levels of the impossible dream by scaling ourselves and our employees back to manageable steps and by chunking up tasks to within the range of reason. And to then appreciate and reward accordingly. “One small step…” proclaimed the first moon-landing Astronaut.

# # #  

Input welcome anytime: (”Businessworks” in the subject line) or comment below. Thanks for visiting. Go for your goals, good night and God bless you! halalpiar  # # # 

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