SPONTANEITY – Hal’s Post #1200

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When  Are  You




Entrepreneurial instincts require a range of attributes we’ve discussed here many times (Try the Search window. under the book cover on right) — passion, determination, innovativeness, reasonable risk-taking, etc. Rarely, though, do small and startup business venture gurus address one of entrepreneurship’s most basic anchor needs: spontaneity. . . being able to “turn on a dime.” Or, in 2015, “turn on a text message.”

By its very definition, being an entrepreneur is all about being a person of action. That translates to taking steps on one’s own behalf as well as taking steps, observing what happens, making adjustments, taking more steps, observing what’s happening, making adjustments, taking more steps, observing what’s happening, making adjustments — for as long as it takes to make an idea work!

Okay, so you know you need to incorporate more of this kind of thought process and practice but you’re not sure where or how to start? While there really is no better way to initiate more action in your day-to-day pursuits than to simply do it, it sometimes helps to have a prompt of some sort. Here are a couple of thoughts in that direction:

For just a few days– let’s say a week– put 10-20 sticky notes around in the places you most often look: car dashboard, cell phone, bathroom mirror, refrigerator door, coffee pot, wristwatch, pillow, computer screen, light switch, socks and underwear drawers, soap dish, add a few more of your own here. Each note needs to ask the 6-word question:



So, that’s something tangible you can do that will help trigger or unearth from it’s hiding place, your sense of spontaneity. Those reminders should prompt you — for example– to think about and try: driving a different route to work or, starting your shower by scrubbing under your left arm instead of the usual right arm or, consciously smiling every time you step into and out of your workspace or, taping yellow caution tape around your bedroom doorway as a reminder to not talk business once you cross that line or, you got the idea.

Here’s something INtangible to keep in mind and prompt yourself with (same locations as above), but THESE sticky notes will (instead of a question) simply show the number “86400” and to get the complete picture of what 86400 means to you, try clicking on this:


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Thanks for visiting. Go for your goals!

Make today a GREAT Day for someone!

4 comments so far

4 Comments to “SPONTANEITY – Hal’s Post #1200”

  1. Peggy Salvatoreon 12 Aug 2014 at 12:53 pm

    Hi Hal,

    Great suggestions, all. I am a chronic creative, as I think you are, so we intuitively learn early how to drop back and evaluate/think/steep to allow the process to evolve organically. I have long thought of this process as “going back to the well”. Periods of inactivity usually precede the next creative idea or project while it steeps.

    Your observations about entrepreneurship are spot on. It’s that spontaneity and energetic willingness to go for it that drive the next thing. As for the adjustments to get success right…half-baked ideas can…became fully baked successes after they undergo…the fire of refinement (some would call it failure, but not us, right?).

    By definition, entrepreneurs are creatives, going for the next idea and fleshing it out until it is a living, breathing thing – business, book, song, whatever…

    Thanks for the great post, Hal!


  2. Peggy Salvatoreon 12 Aug 2014 at 2:34 pm

    Hi Hal,

    You’ve sure got this nailed! Our enthusiasm for what we do as creatives comes from our spontaneity and enthusiasm for what’s next. Whether it is the next business venture, project, book or song, our creativity is all about jumping in, making adjustments, making it better, more marketable, and all that.

    As a fellow creative, I learned early that my creative energy and ideas usually needed a period of rest. I call those times “going back to the well”. After periods of relative inactivity, I am re-energized and new connections appear that bring the creative process to the next level.

    As for the business applications of that, have you read a book called Getting It Right The Second Time by Michael Gershman? He recounts all the successful products and their iterations before they hit their market. We call it iterations, others call them failures. But there are no failures, right? Only prototypes 😉

    Good post, Hal. I enjoyed it. Keep it up!


  3. Hal Alpiaron 14 Aug 2014 at 5:43 pm

    Thanks for your thoughtful comments, Peggy. I was speaking today to a college of Business dean about the fact that some of the most successful companies I’ve ever dealt with are ones that reward failure! They celebrate failure as they present to all involved what went wrong and inspire their troops to charge forward again with renewed vigor and lessons learned. It’s a great practice that most organizations are afraid of. Oh, well. Please don’t ever hesitate to share here. Your input is ALWAYS welcome. Thanks, Peggy. Best – Hal

  4. Hal Alpiaron 14 Aug 2014 at 6:10 pm

    Thanks again, Peggy, for your great insight and expressions of camaraderie in creative development. It’s either coincidental (or maybe ESP?) that I am–as you’ve written and sent this– in the midst of “going for the next idea and fleshing it out” with all three examples you cite: business, book, and song. In fact, my whole life is swirling around these three pursuits right now. Anyone ever comment on your perception/timing skills? Have a great week ahead, and thanks again. Best as always – Hal

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